
Saturday, November 12, 2005

Javier Solana's Word Processor

Javier Solana’s Word Processor

". . . The daily papers had a short, careful leading article every day, founded upon the scraps of news that stole out from the conferences on the other side of the world; Felsenburgh's name appeared more frequently than ever; otherwise there seemed to be a kind of hush. . . ." From Lord of the World, a 1907 novel by Robert Hugh Benson, page 56 of trade paper edition, or read for free by pressing my side link to same.

"A central element of that Russian perception is that NATO harbors designs of enlargement and unilateral out-of-area operations in both the Balkans and the Caucasus, areas that are regarded as more or less equally vital areas of Russian national interests. When the secretary-general of NATO, Javier Solana, told a NATO conference in September 1998 that both of those regions were troubled areas from which NATO "cannot remain aloof", he was not merely reiterating ideas he had already voiced publicly; he was confirming the expansive threat assessment held with increasing conviction in Moscow. His subsequent statement that "We are not condemned to be the victim of events that lie beyond our control - we can shape the future" seemed to prove NATO's and especially Washington's hegemonic aspirations." <>

I am composing a brand new blogspot article on my word processor. It was created by one who is increasingly becoming one of my favorite persons – Bill Gates. He helps with a lot of projects around my office – his spreadsheet helps me keep billing and sometimes fact situations straight. I use Excel to generate color-coded indexes for my binder system. His OneNote2003 helps me save and retrieve countless pieces of information. PowerPoint was used to develop and publish my CD, Javier Solana – Mystery Man of the New World Order – the 2003 version happily had a “publish to CD” feature. And then there is Microsoft Word. Conveniently, Google has developed a nice new add-on to WORD that helps me compose here and then publish to the blogspot. Even nicer, they gave it to us, as they did the blogspot – for free. So you see, at the moment, I am very happy with at least two people – Bill Gates and the guy who invented Google, whoever he is – one day I shall get around to googling that as well!

Of course, as a lawyer, I have used MicroSoft Word in all its various forms of development to draft legal documents. One of its most valued features is AUTOTEXT. I love it. You develop your text and then you can collect that text with simple mouse movements and give it an abbreviation that makes sense to you and VOILA, hours of drafting time are eliminated as the need to “reinvent the wheel” by repeatedly typing commonly used text disappears.

With all that time saved, I have more time to research Dr. Solana. I have become very familiar with his writing and style. I almost know his style well enough to do a job for him I used to do for the Michigan House of Representatives – write letters, speeches and documents, sounding almost more like him than he can make himself sound like him.

Lately, I have been noting his repeat clauses in the various EU documents. I now think he is using his word processor even more than I am using mine. He uses his repeat clauses so well, he could be a good lawyer, were he not a rocket scientist (in the Galileo – Torrejon – ITER projects sense, that is). I don’t know what abbreviations he might be using, but here are his favorite clauses that seem to come up a lot in instruments drafted by him that appear to give him A LOT of hitherto unknown to mankind powers over many countries and regions.

Here is the clause:

“The EU’s Political and Security Committee will exercise, under the responsibility of the EU Council, the political control and strategic direction of the Mission. High Representative Javier Solana will give guidance to the Head of Mission through the EU Special Representative for the _____________.

I don’t know if Javier or his legal drafters do what I do, but I follow a suggestion I read in a Word Processing how-to book years ago and insert “@@” for where the needed changed language would occur. Of course, he may be much better than me at the “mail merge” – the “holy grail’ of word processing that so many of us keep chasing and never quite seem to get. The way I do it, the clause would look like this:

“The EU’s Political and Security Committee will exercise, under the responsibility of the EU Council, the political control and strategic direction of the Mission. High Representative Javier Solana will give guidance to the Head of Mission through the EU Special Representative for the @@.

That particular clause in the document I most recently inspected was entitled “Political Control.” Many others I have inspected with virtually identical language are headed “Chain of Command.” So, I suppose that in the interests of word processing efficiency, he could have a choice of top @@’s with selections of “CHAIN OF COMMAND” and/or “POLITICAL CONTROL.”

If he uses his thesaurus feature (assuming he and Bill Gates are getting along as well as this writer and Bill Gates), he might want to substitute words like “occupation army” for “the mission.”

Now, if you are having trouble believing what I have written, and assuming on-web history doesn’t get rewritten too quickly (they all play such a marvelous game of ‘now you see us – now you don’t), you might check the following resources, compliments of GOOGLE to see what I mean:

Interesting language was created in the Greek presidency of the EU. You may read the entire document at

Here is a list of missions so far -- with the newest one to Palestinian territories to be added:

EU Operations
Ongoing Operations

Operation EUFOR-Althea (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
EU Police Mission - EUPM(Bosnia and Herzegovina)
EU Police Mission"Proxima" (fYROM)
EU Police Mission in Kinshasa (DRC)(EUPOL "Kinshasa")
EU Mission for Iraq(EUJUST LEX)
EU Mission in Congo(EUSEC DR Congo)
EU Support to AMIS II(Darfur)
Aceh Monitoring Mission

Interesting language was created -- most likely again with Solana's own word processor during the Greek presidency of the EU. You may read the entire document at

"Political and Security Committee The Political and Security Committee (PSC) monitors the international situation in the areas covered by the common foreign and security policy and contributes to the definition of policies by delivering opinions to the Council at the request of the Council or on its own initiative. It also monitors the implementation of agreed policies, without prejudice to the responsibility of the Presidency and the Commission. The Committee meets in the mornings of days on which General Affairs Council meetings are held, to update the texts of the GAC conclusions and declarations. The PSC may occasionally meet in the format of Political Directors.
Furthermore, the PSC is the focal point for crisis management. It maintains political control and strategic direction for crisis management operations. It is:
assisted by the Political and Military Group
advised by the EU Military Committee (EUMC) and by the Committee for Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management.
The General Secretariat The General Secretariat, under the leadership of the Secretary-General, High Representative (SG/HR), assists the Council and ensures the smooth functioning of the EU.
Furthermore, the Secretariat plays an important role as “the institutional memory” of the CFSP. As each Presidency only serves for a very limited time, this role is extremely important.
The Policy Unit performs the following duties under the direct authority of the SG/HR:
it monitors and analyzes developments on CFSP issues.
it identifies areas on which the CFSP could focus in the future.
it provides early warning of CFSP relevance including potential political crises.
it produces, at the request of either the Council or the Presidency or on its own initiative, policy papers which contain analyses, recommendations and strategies for the CFSP.
Following decisions taken at Helsinki and Nice, the EU Military Staff (EUMS) has been established within the General Secretariat, to provide military expertise and support to the ESDP, including the conduct of EU-led military crisis management operations. Its mission is to perform early warning, early assessment and strategic planning for Petersberg tasks and to implement policies and decisions as directed by the European Union Military Committee."

All language referring above to the "SG/HR", "the Secretariat", "General Secretariat", OHR refers to our friend Javier Solana. All language pertaining to the PSC does as well as this body is appointed by him, reports to him, and essentially serves at his pleasure.

I might add that usually these are “minimal missions” setting up “modest” programs for such things as to train the policemen, judges, and those administering both. That was what EUJust Lex for Iraq was for -- with a comparatively modest 200 million Euro budget. Now, just give me that for Oakland County, Michigan, USA, where I practice law. Wouldn’t that make me “king (ok, queen) of the hill?”

This article has been, as you may have guessed, mainly written and amplified ‘tongue in cheek,’ but it has a serious purpose. How much and how quietly have such powers been given to one man?

And to think his current job was created and remains posted at Section 666 of the official Europa documents. NAHH, I’m reading too much into this. Surely, it is a coincidence. Surely, he is like all the other New Agers Marilyn Ferguson reported about in her 1980 THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY, “seeking power only to disperse it to others.” Sure, sure! And I have a bridge I want to sell anybody who believes that is the motivation of that crew – including but not limited to its European components.

But then again, maybe he is still fascinated with his word processor and is just practicing his repetitive typing skills: “The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy black dogs.”
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy black dogs.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy black dogs.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy black dogs.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy black dogs.

As usual, I encourage your own corroborative internet research as well as your comments.


  1. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Macedonia turned out to be an ad.

    The last one will not show yet it's supposed to be a 12 page DOC. Just 2 pages, no writing, first page blank, second page with white squares coming down center. No words.

    The rest are interesting indeed.

  2. Anonymous7:45 AM

    You know, when you look at every article it definately has the same pattern. I just dont think its coincidence. It is to well organised even though it is generic. In Daniel it says he will confirm a covenant with many, even if it refers to Israel, Solana has made basically duplicate documents as if he plans on having many of them filed away in a large notebook. Strangely enough all of these documents fit the same format so he could almost merge them all in to one and it would still appear the same. Could these treaties be the lead to one world government and economy? The papers look simple enough to merge in to one. Could this be used also to include religions? Just a thought.

  3. Anonymous8:19 AM

    On the last page of Clavell's Shogun is a very interesting statement by Lord Toranaga (that sweet, unassuming, unpretentious soul) : "..the real prize will be won: the Shogunate. That's what I've fought for and planned for all my life. I alone am heir to the realm." ... "by late afternoon Toranaga had won the battle and the slaughter began!"

  4. The Macedonian link was good when I put it up last night -- just followed the Google search which I achieved with the search terms as follows: ["Chain of Command" "SG/HR]

    Those search terms will yield approximately 190 hits from the Google search engine.

  5. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Constance, even those of us who are still learning how "Control F" can find words in a document can learn from your expertice.

    Your story is an up to date version of David fighting against Goliath. Goliath as Solana and the European Union we can understand. David, with a slingshot we can understand. To bring it up to date, you might be David as an individual wih a computer slingshot against the EU with its big computers.

    History says you will be remembered.

  6. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Constance works to keep research on New Age at an intellectual level. I'm a rebel however. I think awareness of New Age needs to be brought down to popular awareness as well. Checking out Humanist Manifesto II, you can see the direction that New Age is going. Check out this column to see where New Age morality is conflicting with monotheistic morality.

    New Age = you can be spiritual without having morals.

  7. I have added material to the blogspot which I created in the wee hours of Saturday morning. Important new links have been added.

  8. Anonymous8:07 AM

    It sort of reminds me of
    "news speak" from 1984!

  9. Anonymous8:32 AM (Iraq - EUJUST Lex)
    Okay, Macedonia came through this time.

    The one up top here, for whatever reason, is only showing two pages. One blank, one creme color with white squares down center and no words. Is this just me? :(

    And thank you Constance for those other links (there is a lot of them, no doubt!). What eye openers!

    God Bless your research, it's quite enlightening to anyone who takes time to read. And hopefully many are reading these.

  10. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Constance is so far ahead of the curve that it can be hard for doofases like me to follow her. I state that from my experience with her information. I read and think "No it can't be that she is right" because from the media we are learning that that the European Union is falling apart, not to worry, they are no longer a threat.

    And yet, thanks to Constance, we see creeping behind the scenes this growing power, not reported by the media.

    How does this happen? On her part it has taken brilliance, insight, research, and a heck of a lot of hard work, time and money.

    Have you contributed in any way to help the cause or are you just absorbing, going along free of charge? Or do you think you are somehow superior because you found your way to her website?

    As someone who has done years of work to learn what is happening, I believe there are two groups of people who are watching this website.

    The first group are people who are insiders who want to what the opposition has learned. My guess is that the EU people are watching this site carefully.

    The second group are people who are just learning how the political world operates and who would never learn what is happening behind the scenes without someone like Constance who has devoted so much time and effort to teach others about the behind the scenes activity.

    I've been watching the changes for many, many years, warning others, spending my time and money without any recompense. I've heard all of the excuses why individuals can't get off their duffs to do more.

    Get off your duff; post here what you know or what you think. Write about what you have encountered. Don't keep hiding behind some kind of veil. I am Jewish and we know that everyone is part of a community. Everyone who reads this is part of a community that determines what the future will be for our children and grandchildren. No excuses.

  11. Anonymous10:48 PM

    "Eye-Opening" Minutes, House of Lords, England, 10/13/05


    Lord Waddington: My Lords, what is happening about the office of Minister for Foreign Affairs, which was to be established under the constitution? There were rumours in the papers a month or so ago that Mr Solana was comporting himself as though he was already in office. Can we have an assurance that in this and in all other respects the bureaucrats in Brussels are not implementing the constitution as if it had never been rejected by the voters in France and Holland?

    (Full Text)

    13 Oct 2005 : Column 403

    House of Lords
    Thursday, 13 October 2005.
    The House met at eleven of the clock (Prayers having been read earlier at the Judicial Sitting by the Lord Bishop of Coventry): The CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEES on the Woolsack.
    EU: UK Presidency
    Lord Dykes asked Her Majesty's Government:

    What are the foreign policy achievements of the European Union during the first half of the United Kingdom's presidency.

    Baroness Royall of Blaisdon: My Lords, as the noble Lord rightly states, we are only halfway through our presidency, and already much has been achieved. To date, we have...


    There are many dossiers of course, so noble Lords must forgive me if I sound querulous. Why has the Prime Minister totally lost interest in the Middle East road map? Why has the presidency period not really been used up to now to revive and re-launch the long-awaited road map negotiations? Can it be used to do so until the presidency expires at the end of December? There is a background of increasing frustration among the Israeli public, who are more and more in favour of withdrawal from the occupied territories; and there is increasing anxiety and apprehension among Palestinians, who are literally beleaguered and are facing long-term injustice on a greater scale unless these matters are addressed urgently. Is it not the job of this Government as president of the European Union to persuade Israel to launch negotiations immediately?

    Baroness Royall of Blaisdon: My Lords, the Prime Minister has certainly not lost interest in the Middle East road map. Indeed, it is a key priority of our presidency. We supported the disengagement, and now we continue to work to reform the Palestinian institutions. I am glad that under our presidency the EU is set to double its aid to the Palestinians, because in supporting the Palestinians we can help them to create a stable
    Palestinian state and a secure state of Israel. We are working hard on that with James Wolfensohn and with our partners in the European Union.

    Lord Waddington: My Lords, what is happening about the office of Minister for Foreign Affairs, which was to be established under the constitution? There were rumours in the papers a month or so ago that Mr Solana was comporting himself as though he was already in office. Can we have an assurance that in this and in all other respects the bureaucrats in Brussels are not implementing the constitution as if it had never been rejected by the voters in France and Holland?

    Baroness Royall of Blaisdon: My Lords, one should not believe what one reads in newspapers a great deal of the time. I can give the noble Lord the assurance that neither the bureaucrats in Brussels nor anyone else are implementing the constitution that was rejected by the people of France and the Netherlands.


    Lord Harrison: My Lords, will my noble friend assure me that the British presidency will advance those sensible parts of the proposed but now fallen constitution that will be of benefit both for the United Kingdom in progressing its policies and for the European Union as a whole? I have in mind, for instance, making public European Council meetings.

    Baroness Royall of Blaisdon: My Lords, if the European Council seeks to have its meetings in public rather than in private and all member states agree that that is a good thing, I cannot think why that should not be possible—if it is agreed by 25 member states. That would be sensible from my perspective, but it is a matter for the 25 member states.

    Lord Garden: My Lords, the noble Baroness's colleague, the noble Lord, Lord Drayson, who is on the Labour Benches with her, spoke this morning in support of the recent CICS report on the advantages of pooling military capability in Europe. A meeting of EU defence Ministers is taking place today under the UK presidency. Will we be taking an initiative?

    Baroness Royall of Blaisdon: My Lords, I regret that I cannot answer that question. I do not have any knowledge about the meeting, but I will seek to ensure that the noble Lord receives that information and that a copy of the letter is put in the Library.


    Lord Grenfell: My Lords, is the Minister aware that earlier this week, under the presidency of the European Union Committee of this House and of the European Scrutiny Committee in the other place, a conference took place here of the 25 European affairs committees of the national parliaments of the European Union? Is she further aware that during that conference an intense debate took place on the difficulties faced by national parliaments in scrutinising the common foreign and security policy and the European security and defence policy?

    Does the Minister agree with us that formal agreements are needed between the governments and parliaments concerning the type of CFSP non-legislative documents that should be deposited for scrutiny, and that if there were a formal agreement it would be of enormous help in making the scrutiny of CFSP much more transparent in the Council, particularly in respect of political decisions made in advance of formal legislation? That is the serious problem we face.

    Baroness Royall of Blaisdon: My Lords, I was aware of that important meeting and I am sure that that is the best forum in which to discuss such issues. Our Government seek to do everything to improve the transparency of legislation and the legislative process.

    13 Oct 2005 : Column 406

  12. Anonymous8:29 AM

    ""Have you contributed in any way to help the cause or are you just absorbing, going along free of charge? Or do you think you are somehow superior because you found your way to her website?""

    Who are you talking to and why the anger, not to mention your boasting?

  13. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Comment to the last anonymous:
    I really must have hit your home with my comment.

    First of all I have a right to boast just as anyone has a right to put down what they have accomplished on a resume. Constance has her own mental list of people who have worked with her over the years and I'm proud to be on that list.

    Second, I'm talking to the many, many people who have benefited from reading her books over the past twenty years and who, with a little effort could take the time to add their experiences to this blog in order to help others.

    Third, anger because the effort to fight the New Age movement, an effort which benefits many, is left to so few people.

    Many years ago a group of us decided to hold a protest and agreed I would organize it. One by one the people dropped out because of forgotten events or spouses complaining, or work that had to be done. I went, stood ground by myself and got a headline in a suburban paper. I foresaw humorously that the world would probably be lost because someone had to wax their floor instead of doing their part as a citizen. Things haven't changed.

  14. Anonymous11:30 AM
    This is a Washington Post story on the agreement just signed in Israel. Transcript: Secretary Rice's Comments on Rafah Border Crossing Agreement

    Courtesy FDCH/e-Media
    Tuesday, November 15, 2005; 8:33 AM


    "SOLANA: Thank you very much, Condi. I think what we have transmitted here today is a very, very important agreement. It has taken a long time to finalize but it will give the Gaza disengagement the full content in particular because the border between the Gaza and Egypt will be now opened.

    "And as you know from the document that you are going to read in a moment, the European Union will take the third-party role in that very important and complicated border. We are ready. We have the plans already done and prepared and by the end of the month will be in a condition to take the full responsibility and have the border function. ....."

    I read the whole article and have yet to learn what Israel gains other than another promise of peace.

  15. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Hi Blogger,
    I was just passing looking for Jewish links on the blogger site and found your Javier Solana's Word Processor blog. Your blog was not quite what I was looking for, but I enjoyed my visit all the same.

  16. Anonymous7:14 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Comment to the last anonymous:
    I really must have hit your home with my comment."

    No, it didn't hit home here. Just asking where that came from. If you think to be the only one doing research, you are much decieved my friend. There are many on here adding things, asking questions and genuinely interested. Many seem to be sincerely researching and this is a good thing. Not enough by a far stretch of the imagination as you so stated.

    It is unfortunately true in Christiandom today that far too many people are as you say "busy waxing their floors" or some other meaningless activity. Rather than watching and praying as the Lord instructs us. There are many Martha's in the Church and not many Mary's, sad to say.

    Still, it is well to remember that boasting is unbecoming of Christian behavior. Exhorting, rebuking, edifying et-cetera are good things but boasting is listed in this Scripture here:

    Jude 16

    "These men are grumblers and faultfinders; they follow their own evil desires; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage."

    Tis well to remember that you cannot know anothers heart for their responses to this blog nor their added research nor any questions that many come up with. These seem to show a genuine interest. And in the interest of Christian charity, it would be well to pay heed rather than getting on here rebuking what you know not.

    Just a thought to better maintain peace with any who may come along to read and want to add, research or not play 'know it alls' and not ask a question.

  17. Anonymous8:28 PM

  18. Anonymous10:13 AM

    For those following the effect of New Age on the Christian community:
    Book title: God's Wrath on Left Behind
    Website dealing with Christaquarians.
    This site is a growing resource for the study of New Age Christianity, Christian New Agers - whom Daren Kemp dubbed "the Christaquarians".

    An extremely comprehensive academic website on this movement. A Google search gives 197 links. Based on the book The Christaquarians?:
    A Sociology Of Christians In The New Age
    ISBN: 1-59109-721-5 / 1591097215

  19. Anonymous11:34 AM

    For an excellent interview with Constance made this month, go to
    or use

    She speaks of the Holocaust of Christians in Mexico led by the Theosophists in 1926 among other things, a precursor to the Holocaust in Germany. Learn the role of the Theosophists in many of the changes that took place.

    This is one of the best interviews with her that I've heard.

  20. Anonymous12:37 PM

    To the person who posted
    Eye-Opening" Minutes, House of Lords, England, 10/13/05

    Thank you. The information is new to many of us. As a reader of this blog I very much appreciate the time and effort you took to share it. Speaking for myself, I look forward to any other material you think is important.

  21. Anonymous4:31 PM

    To anonymous who gave the link to the radio interview with Constance. THANK YOU! That interview is the most useful info I have found recently. Shows Theosophical New Age connections to the "Nation of Islam", (the black radical group) and white supremacist groups and the murdering of Christians in Mexico. She also talks about the same New age link to WWII. I plan to listen a few more times, lots of good stuff.
    I heard actor Bruce Willis make comments recently on tv about this war we are in now is a continuation of the war from 50 years ago. I have been coming to the same conclusion also.


  22. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Re. "Thank you. The information is new to many of us..."

    Cannot recommend highly enough making an adjunct visit to Herb Peter's website,, a regular habit, to which am sure Mrs. Cumbey would agree as she posts a link to his website on her blog homepage. Also, if you have not yet read his free, online book, would suggest doing so, the link to which is also posted at the top of his homepage.

    Also, the House of Lords minutes, dated 10/13/05, which are posted above were initially posted on Herb's discussion board (under the "EU Beast/Mid-East Watch" forum) the link to which is also found at the top of his homepage. [The "What Do You Think (About News)" is also a good forum to check for similar items.]

    Hope it is helpful.


  23. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Jim, you're welcome. Your note should encourage others to take the time to listen to that excellent interview.

  24. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Shalom. - Just to separate the anonymouses.

    I do try to read that site regularly, and agree it is a good one. Thanks for calling the piece to our attention as I certainly wouldn't have wanted that one to get by. Sometimes the Solana material is very challenging, but the message of that one was very clear.

  25. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Shalom. - Just to separate the anonymouses.

    I do try to read that site regularly, and agree it is a good one. Thanks for calling the piece to our attention as I certainly wouldn't have wanted that one to get by. Sometimes the Solana material is very challenging, but the message of that one was very clear.

  26. Anonymous5:23 PM

    To the anonymous who linked about the left behind series. I kind of feel deep sorrow about the effort of these christians spending all their time to try to discredit other christians. However I do agree with a lot of there points. But if you reed most of there comments, it does seem to fit into a personal agenda. Unfortunately there personal agenda destroys being able to believe the Biblical agenda. There are enough christians out there to at least come up with a movie or a book to staighten it out instead of just spending ALL there time discrediting. Its time for christians to put words to action. Make something! Dont JUST complain!

  27. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Is there anyway to listen to that interview with real player or windows media player?

  28. Anonymous1:05 AM

    To hear the interview. I found
    using the download button will work with windows media player.

  29. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Does anyone know anything about Gwen Shaw and the End-time Handmaidens? I have a relative that is involved with this and the spirit in me is screamin "BEWARE". Should she be warned?

  30. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Put "Shaw end-time" into the Google search engine. There are a number of websites dealing with this, including one titled the Occult Teachings of Gwen Shaw.

  31. To the person checking out Gwen Shaw -- do internet checks on "The Manifest Sons of God" and check my link on "Herescope" -- I don't know if there is anything directly on it about End Time Handmaidens, but I do know the creators of that site have extensively researched it and would be happy to share with you. They are Jewel VanderMerwe Grewe and Sarah Leslie.

  32. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Just in case you missed it, thinking you read the Constance's entire last post, I am calling your attention to the addition on the top of the original post. It is a link to a free on-line copy of Lord Of The World, published in 1907.

    Just reading the preface to this book is a mind blower. It talks about how monotheism was marginalized, overtaken by secularism as ruler of the culture.

    Keep in mind Constance's comments, on the link I posted to the interview, about the Theosophical role in the Holocaust in Mexico in the 1920s. New Age people moved very rapidly during that time, hoping to overtake the world culture. Apparently the author of the book, Lord of the World, knew of the plan and issued his warning thru a fiction novel. It is very obvious that Hitler took the movement and ran with it during the '30s and '40s, setting international plans back many years. After all, who would want to identify with Hitler.

    The New Age movement surfaced again in the late 1970s with the same plan. Enough time had passed that they believed no one would catch on to their goals. Keep in mind that the term New Age was used at the turn of the previous century, was connected with the Fabian movement which had two branches, the communist movement and the socialist movement. That is the political end of the New Age movement.

    Look at the link and read the book as much as you can. The Plan hasn't changed much. We are seeing the euthanasia movement in action here in the US. It is supposed to lead to a society wherein each individual is to contribute to a greater whole. When they can no longer contribute more than their needs, they are to be dispensed with. The same is happening with many of the other movements.

    As Christians or Jews, you need to restate continuously what you contribute to community, not in terms of material contributions, but where the morality fits in.

    Just check out the book and evaluate your response to it. Then post the response here or talk to your community and post the response here.

  33. Anonymous8:52 PM

    If Constance's link doesn't work for you, try

    It's the one that worked for me.

  34. Today, November 22, 2005 is the 10th anniversary of my discovery of Javier Solana on November 22, 2005, two days after he negotiated and signed the Treaty of Association between the EU and Israel. Today he has made important announcements on his sight about new military roles of the European Union. I will be blogging on this later.

  35. Anonymous12:23 PM

    From England's News Telegraph
    EU teaches children treaty is still alive
    By Justin Stares and Patrick Hennessy
    (Filed: 20/11/2005)

    Children as young as eight are being taught that the controversial European Constitution is up and running - even though it has been rejected by voters.
    (more at link)

    What are a few lies to children they must think!

  36. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Those who get the promo for the Hayes show on Wednesday might think Dennis Cuddy believes
    "Dr. Cuddy discusses this along with the “Lord of the World” (Pope Ratzinger).

    Well it isn't so. Check out his column which appeared at News With Views.

    From the column
    "On February 8, 1992 Cardinal Ratzinger delivered a speech at the Catholic University of Milan that was critical of President George H. W. Bush's "new world order." In the speech, Cardinal Ratzinger recalled Robert Hugh Benson's 1907 book LORD OF THE WORLD and said it described "a similar unified civilization and its power to destroy the spirit. The anti-Christ is represented as the great carrier of peace in a similar new world order."

    The Cuddy column that a little bird told me about is excellent.

    If Constance's link to the book doesn't work, try the one I posted in the comments here.

  37. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Constance noted 11/22 as the 10th anniversary of her awareness of JS. 11/22 was also the 42nd anniversary of the assisination of John F. Kennedy. By now, most people have at least some idea that there was more to the murder of JFK than was portrayed for the public mind by the corporate news media. And by the same token, more and more are coming, at least and at last, to the realization that the domestic and international scenarios conveyed to us in todays MSM (main stream news) is, likewise, and to put it mildly - distortions of the truth.
    But there is also another effective means by which the media keeps people ignorant. And that is by simply selectively disregarding or ignoring things the public is not ready to deal with.

    Have a look here, you will see what I mean:

  38. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving Day. There is a political cartoon shown at It shows a comparison between Daniel and Solana. It is worth the look! Hal Lindsey has been very quiet about Solana. Even though he does not personally make the cartoon, he has to approve of it. It looks like the silence may be beginning to break. Scroll down the left side of his home page you will see it. Don't try to discredit his views if they don't line up with yours. That's not the purpose of this link. It is well worth the look! A picture is worth a thousand words. In this case a picture is worth ten thousand words!

  39. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Thanks for the tip re. Hal Lindsey's website.

  40. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Hi Blogger,
    I was just passing looking for Muslim links on the blogger site and found your Javier Solana's Word Processor blog. Your blog was not quite what I was looking for, but I enjoyed my visit all the same.

  41. Anonymous5:30 AM

    People too busy to look for New Age information on their own can find it easily until the link is removed. Prior to this one, there is a lying little lure to a big New Age website. It menntions Muslims, but instead you will find links to Lucis Trust and even one showing how they plan to bring in the New World Oder (misspelling intentional). Take a little bit of time to run thru the site. No folks, New Age didn't die off even though we hear little about it.

    As you look thru the links, think of how many of these things have become commonplace in your thinking, neutral to your thinking.

  42. Anonymous9:58 AM

    quick note esp since i am stuck on webtv at the moment- merkel said in some article which i dont have handy at moment that when germany is back in at the presidency of eu council (i think it was council) the constitution will be back on the table. i really cant give much of the facts because, ahem, i am on webtv at the moment, which is limited to say the least

  43. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Happy Thanksgiving Constance.
    Things aren't going to go away folks such as the New Age movement, Javier Solana, EU, all the treaties that have been signed or what's going to be signed in the future. No matter how things come down the only thing is for sure JESUS CHRIST IS COMING. I keep looking for his coming everyday more so now than I did five years ago. Many times we get so caught up in our every day lives and bury our heads in the sand and our minds are on self and we give the Lord the second priority. Were living in a day and time where we need to put him first. Folks wake up Jesus is coming!!! Love in Christ Eagle eye

  44. Anonymous7:38 PM

    I'm a believer in New Age ideas. I agree with the last anonymous. Cumbey shouldn't keep posting information about New Age. It's a done deal. She should just pray daily, go to church on Sunday and not bother anyone with all of this stuff she posts. She should just concentrate on waiting for Christian end times which will be when New Age takes over completely.

  45. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I disagree completely with the last anon. Rev.13:18 NKJV "Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666". Constance blog is the perfect spot for this stuff! New age and all, fit in harmony with the Bible in one way or another. Nowadays every bit of news is relevant no matter how small! Revalation gives us the keys to beginning the identification process, and 666 is only the beggining of the formula. It is basically given as a command for people with understanding, who ARE paying attention to figure it out! This is not to brag about understanding at all. But people who long for Gods wisdom will recieve! Revelation 1:3 "Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near". How many other places in the Bible promise a blessing? This just gets me excited! I dont Know about you guys but I desperately need a blessing! Revalation shows us how real our blessing is and how soon it will be that the almighty king will rule and we will have the ultimate blessings! To say we should not write this information, poo on you! You need some encouragement. Read Revelation where Jesus returns as king of kings and lord of lords. I'm looking up and if your not you should be! And it doesnt matter if you are post-trib or pre-trib, its time to get excited!

  46. Anonymous3:01 PM

    I for one am not JUST going to pray, go to church and then sit on my duff and watch it grow! If thats what you are going to do now what kind of rewards or should I say 'retirement' are you going to recieve in heaven? Its not much more than abc, if you know we are in the end, well just go all out and give it your all and spread the news and become an effective witness for Christ. Come on have some pride! I'm not old yet, I can still talk and no one is going to shut me up except for Jesus when he gets me and even as I'm floating up I'll still be yelling it cause maybe with some altitude my voice will carry further. If you've got a voice use it, if you got enough for a postage stamp get one! Dont make me call you a slacker! You've got enough brains to get on this web site, so put you're brain to work! Come on, give yourself some credit. It doesnt matter what youre handicap is cause we all have one!Get excited, plug you're wheelchair in for a charge, put youre dentures in or whatever you got to do! But lets get moving. I guarantee you will hear me yelling on the way up cause the higher I go, the louder I'm gonna get.I'll see you in the clouds!....Youre brother in Christ....1 Thessalonians 4:16-17,5:11 so read and celebrate! See you later on high!

  47. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Are we to roll over and play dead? There is a party about to happen and we are suppose to invite the guests!

  48. Anonymous6:56 PM

    You New Agers seem to forget that we still have our hunting weapons and know how to use them. I suggest you check with your god Bin Laden to see if you qualify for your 72 virgins when you get to your heavenly place. Before you start your cleansing action of killing Christians, consider the possibility that you may be the one getting cleansed.

  49. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Just reading Lord of the World and had an AHA moment. The book was written in 1907, and here New Agers are using the same language, referring to those who disagree as cancer cells in a body that have to be removed.

    From the book:
    "But in Christianity there was a poison actually
    deadly. Every cell that became infected with it was infected in that
    very fibre that bound it to the spring of life. This, and this alone,
    was the supreme crime of High Treason against man--and nothing but
    complete removal from the world could be an adequate remedy."
    "The human race was now a single
    entity with a supreme responsibility towards itself; there were no
    longer any private rights at all, such as had certainly existed, in the
    period previous to this. Man now possessed dominion over every cell
    which composed His Mystical Body, and where any such cell asserted
    itself to the detriment of the Body, the rights of the whole were

    Barbara Marx Hubbard said the same thing in her book Revelation when she said a cleansing must take place.

    Also note where it was said at this website:

    Lord of the World was written from a Catholic point of view, but I have no doubt that these words also referred to the cleansing of Jews during the Holocaust, a killing off of monotheists by those connected with the New Age occult groups.

  50. Anonymous3:30 PM

    I've been looking at a lot of websites that talk about the author of Lord of the World. One of the most interesting is the following:

    This is because in this column he shows that Benson had access to insider information.
    "Benson's father, Edward White Benson, founded the Cambridge Ghost Society in 1851 (with members such as B. F. Westcott and Fenton John Antony Hort) before becoming the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Ghost Society was the forerunner of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR), co-founded in 1882 by Henry Sidgwick, who tutored Bertrand Russell and whose sister Mary married Edward White Benson. And Henry Sidgwick married Eleanor Balfour, sister of Arthur Balfour who became president of the SPR, as did William James, the father of American psychology (Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung would become Corresponding Members of the SPR---see letter here from Jung to H.G. Wells about the latter's book THE OPEN CONSPIRACY). Arthur Balfour's brother Gerald (also a president of the SPR) was Emily Lytton Lutyens' brother-in-law, and she was the granddaughter of occultist and alchemist Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton and a disciple of theosophist Annie Besant (who wore a swastika pendant and co-edited LUCIFER magazine with Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophical Society). Lutyens was also foster-mother of Jiddu Krishnamurti, who was promoted by Annie Besant as Lord Maitreya (supposedly "the Christ" of the New Age)."

    This Cuddy column also shows how plans for the New World Order/New Age movement are progressing. Read it in connection with the other Cuddy column mentioned in the comments.

  51. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Dear Constance:
    I have written a book. It is a personal testimony of spiritual abuse which many are suffering from today. Among other events, I tell what really happened at the End-time Handmaidens fire. I include a letter from Sister Gwen which verifies that what I said is true.
    If you might be interested in obtaining a free copy, please see my website:

    I'd be happy to send you one.
    Kathy Cavoores
