
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

 Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, Fred Upton, Peter Meijer:  Republican Profiles in Courage

Adam Kinzinger & Liz Cheney:  Two very courageous Congress members.

To my readers:  I composed this piece on June 26th for our local Republican Club newsletter.  Because it was over-sized, it will not be run there until I excise about half of the content.  I think all the content is important.  I had no plans to publish it here, but after a conversation with Grant Sutton of New Zealand tonight, I thought important that I do so.  Grant had expressed the view that Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney had "played into Democratic Party hands."  I respectfully disagreed with him and shared this material with him verbally while on the phone.  Today, the initial House Committee Committee was held.  It is time that "Conservatives," "Evangelicals", and "Republicans" were honest with themselves.  

July 27, 2021

Like many  loyal Americans, I was dismayed at the events of January 6, 2021.   Inter alia, I believe it caused the USA security problems, perhaps showing foreign aggressors that our perimeters were easily breached.


 I was also equally disturbed at the left-wing pattern of lawless chaos and rioting in American streets after Minneapolis Policeman Chauvin sat on George Floyd’s neck for the recorded 9 minutes.  I could condone neither his act nor the massive street rioting that followed it in too many American cities, Detroit happily excluded.  . A combination of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and anarchists were majority participants in those ugly events involving looting, burning, glass shattering, and traffic blocking.

Just as apparent to me was that those involved in the Capitol insurrection were NOT BLM nor Antifa people, as too many Trump supporters tell me they believe to be the case.  It was obvious that this riot mainly consisted of ardent Trump supporters, Qanon participants, and yes, like the BLM and Antifa crowd, likewise anarchists, supplemented by militia and white supremacy group types such as Proud Boys and militia members.  I am dismayed  at the cult-like intensity of those claiming the January 6th riot was staged by BLM and Antifa!   I didn’t see many Black faces in that Capitol mob.  Am I supposed to believe that they were there in “White Face”?!   Highly unlikely!

I have spent the past 40 years of my adult life battling the cult-like influence of the New Age Movement over American (and elsewhere) culture.  Those Evangelicals concerned about the New Age Movement should know that QANON has obvious New Age roots and direction.  If you don’t believe me, just pick up and read the book Mike Lindell is promoting on his website, “LOVE JOY TRUMP.”  The author, one “BethAnon” (an obvious Qanon moniker) has been following her Hindu guru Prem Rawat daily and faithfully since 1982, the year my own work against the New Age Movement went national.  In that book that purports to be "A Chorus of Prophetic Voices", we learn:

  • Trump is ushering in the Millennial Reign of Christ on Earth"

  • Trump is God's chosen instrument to save the entire world.

  • Trump is ushering in the Age of Aquarius

  • Qanoners will physically eradicate all followers of what they define as "evil" from the world.

  • Trump will enable Gaia (Earth Goddess) worship

  • Trump is ushering in 1000 years of peace

BethAnon claims her book is "fighting Luciferianism."  I have big news for her.  It is Luciferianism!

Unfortunately, this type of non -discerning nonsense is being espoused in too many Republican, Evangelical, and even conservative Catholic circles.  No man (nor woman) should claim God-like powers and authority.  To allow it about oneself in in their respective circles, turns followers of such condoning persons into little more than cultists.  

Sadly, My Pillow entrepeneur Mike Lindell has branded himself  as Qanon.  He does so in this very book LOVE JOY TRUMP for which he wrote the foreword.  I'm told that he was marketing it at the very recent Antrim County (Michigan) rally.  I have seen for myself that he is energetically  promoting and selling it on his business' website.

"Where we go one, we go all (WWG1WGA)"  -- I don't think so, count me out!.  

HBO recently released an informative documentary 6 part series on QANON.  It is called “INTO THE STORM”.  If you have HBO (available on Comcast)  or Amazon Prime, you should be able to view it..  The series presents convincing evidence that it got to the bottom of “Who is Q?”  While per this series, Qanon supporters and strategizers have included Major General Paul Vallely (retired), General Flynn, Jerome Corsi, and even Donald Trump (making many intentional retweets of Qanon messages), it appears that the actual “Q” anonymous persona was Ron Watkins.  Ron Watkins is the son of Jim Watkins, the owner of 8Chan renamed 8Chun, the network used by Qanon for circulating its "memes" and "cues."  Watkins acquired the network from its original founder, a wheelchair bound Fred Brennan.  Watkins had Fred Brennan relocate to Manila.  After Brennan viewed with dismay mass shootings committed by 8chan users, he decided to distance himself from his internet created channel.  The network's rationale for allowing such speech was "Freedom of speech."  Ironically, after Brennan turned against his network, renamed 8chun by Jim Watkins, Watkins aggressively pursued Philippine prosecution of Brennan for "cyberlibel," a felony in the dictator controlled Philippines government.  Brennan had to flee back to America to avoid cruel prosecution and probable incarceration in the Philippines.

So, if you find much of this distasteful after checking out such obvious Qanon, pro-Trump sources as LOVE JOY TRUMP and many other QANON books, where do we go?

Well, I realize I'm probably a distinctly minority view in current Michigan Republican, if not national circles, here's where I've gone.  I've watched with interest the very courageous work of Congressman Adam Kinzinger of Illinois.  Although I was not a previous Cheney fan, I am impressed with Liz Cheney's brave stand.  I was more than a little disconcerted that Kevin McCarthy took the lead in seeking her unseating from Republican House leadership because she took a stand against January 6th events.  To my mind, that was nothing short of hypocritical because Kevin McCarthy had earlier reported that he unsuccessfully tried to talk President Trump into calling off the Insurrection forces while the January 6th event was in progress.

I am also impressed by two brave Michigan Congressmen, Fred Upton and Peter Meijer.  I think it reprehensible that Michigan Republicans sought to censure them for voting their consciences vis a vis the January 6th event.

I am dismayed at reports this week that allegedly conservative Christian Evangelicals booed Mike Pence and called him a "traitor" for not refusing to certify the Election results.

Today, it was announced that the Michigan Republican led Senate investigation results found the election results fair and not indicative of widespread fraud.   That should put it to rest, but I'm fearful it will not.  The events of January 6th, including Trump's summoning a huge crowd to Washington for his "Stop the Steal" rally, his obvious frequent retweeting of Qanon messages, his failure to timely stop the Capitol riot remind me ominously of a similar event in Germany in 1923.  It is commonly known as the Beer Hall Putsch."  It was Hitler led and Hitler was sentenced to two years in prison for it.  While in prison, Hitler's forces were organizing all over Germany and Bavaria.  Like us, Germany was recovering from a pandemic, from massive inflation and instability from many left-wing "Bohemian" forces.  Hitler indeed came back and assumed massive power.   Like the LOVE JOY TRUMP and 1000 YEARS OF PEACE Qanon books, Germans thought that was what Hitler was doing for Germany then.  The results then were catastrophic -- both for Germany and the world.

Qanon is advancing ugly anti-Semitic views.  That with the other items I mention, amount to too many ominous parallels.  Do we really  want to go there?  I for one, do not.

Yes, there were good things that happened during Trump's presidency.  There were some excellent judicial appointments, the globalists were definitely slowed down, and Christians were treated in Presidential circles far more kindly than they were in the Obama Adminstration or than they definitely would have been treated had Hillary been elected.  That, however, being said, does not give one a pass to ignore the Constitution, threaten officials for doing their duty in certifying elections, and give aid, comfort, and even motivation to those who would tear us apart by "Civil War."

I know the above is not popular in many Republican circles, but for now, this is where I stand.

Constance E. Cumbey

June 24, 2021