
Friday, January 17, 2020

Brief Update -- and Coming soon, a Polish language edition of Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow

Dear Friends:

I am still struggling both with my eyes and painful arthritis.  My physician has now prescribed a once a day fairly inexpensive pill that I have now taken for the first two days with significant relief.  I'm hoping that continues.  But there are encouraging fronts, nonetheless.

A Polish publisher contacted me via telephone directly from Poland.  He had been trying to reach me for some time.   He said he wanted to have HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW translated into the Polish language for circulation there and in Polish speaking regions.  I happily gave my consent.  He is sending the proposed contract that I will review and sign.  Additionally, I have volunteered to him that I would add an updating foreword as well as an end chapter with updates.  I could use that supplemental material to update Hidden Dangers' other editions (English, Dutch, Norwegian, and German).  He tells me it will take approximately six months to translate and produce.

Well, I suspect this will not make Isobel Blackthorn (author of THE UNLIKELY OCCULTIST - ALICE ANN BAILEY) happy.  It probably will not delight the Fetzer Institute either.  Their strategy is to publish the worst of the New Age and then label it as good, right, and true.  The New Age Movement is very much out there and in public view as "Meditation", "Mindfulness", and a host of new leaders and shamans.   A daughter of the King of Norway is living in the United States and is dating a New Age shaman leader.  The New Age Movement is far from dead.  The Fetzer Institute claims that they will now succeed whereas they failed in 1982 because now a majority are SBNR (Spiritual but not religious).  

I have heard recently from New Agers exiting the New Age Movement and now seeking information to help their still involved friends.  I've had some wonderful telephone conversations with some.  Steve Bancarz is doing an excellent job of reaching out to New Agers with his own conversion account.  I'm greatly encouraged by his work and by the work of another very prominent former New Ager, Doreen Virtue.  There is a great deal of discussion about Kanye West and his very public profession of his belief and faith in Jesus.  Steve Bancarz believes this is a tremendous victory for God's Kingdom.  I am inclined to believe in Steve's analysis.  Some watchers feel and have stated otherwise; however, it is my belief that those exiting the New Age Movement and other similar circles have had their heads played with for a long time and there is often far from theological perfection while the Holy Spirit is doing His work.  There is a song sung by children, "God's still working on me."  Me, too!

I hope to post more frequently from now on.  Please pray that God strengthens me.
