
Saturday, December 29, 2018

Yes, the New Age Movement by whatever moniker is still alive and well

One of my readers recently sent me a picture and Amazon link to a new book THE SECOND COMING OF THE NEW AGE.  I've ordered the Kindle edition and am re  ading it.  I have to confess that some of it looks familiar, especially the subtitle.  The person sending it to me writes, "I wonder where they got that title."  Seeing Tom Horn published it and I know him to be very familiar with my work -- he offered to publish a sequel.  Sadly, I never got it done for him.

Others, including TruNews have suggested they might bre interested in doing an updated HIDDEN DANGERS.

With that being said, I am encouraged to see others come out with clear evidence that I have expounded over the years that the New Age Movement has long since infiltrated the Church.  I am very encouraged by the work of these two young men and I"m watching their SkyWatchTV Youtube video as I'm writing this.  I recommend you watch it as well.

The interviews with TruNews went well.  I recognized I made a few "fatigue" mistakes.  I said I awoke to the migraine and discovered Javier Solana had been given exclusive authority to make the military decisions over  Yugoslavia "in 1996" -- no, it was March 1999.  I also said I had the meeting with Cornelius Vanderbreggen in 1986 -- it was 1987.  Apart from that, I had fewer "senior moments" than too often happens.  Thank you for your prayers.

The TruNews programs have been running the last few days -- both on the TruNews Network and on Youtube.  Again, I was not edited and was given the freedom to speak freely.

I'm somewhat disappointed that Tom Horn didn't see fit to send me a review copy.  It was obvious that they had borrowed part of the title of Hidden Dangers -- the gentleman sending it to me wrote "I wonder where they got that title."

Well, imitation is the highest form of flattery.  So, I guess I'm happy.  I'm happy that the word on the "Hidden Dangers" of the New Age Movement continues to spread and I'm happier still that this one comes from former New Agers who have received "true enlightenment" rather than the "Enlightenment" the New Age Movement promises it can deliver.  I was going to order a hard copy of the book, but I saw that delivery would take several weeks.  So, I ordered the Kindle version and will be reading it over this weekend.

The Amazon link to the Bancarz/Peck book may be reached by clicking here.

My new video recordings with Doc Burkhart of TruNews can be reached by clicking here.

Thank you for your prayers and feedback.  Yes, I'm still working on that article about why after 23 years of observing Javier Solana, I still persist and can't let go.  I did a lot on it last night.

Stay tuned!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

I need your prayers -- TruNews Scheduled Tapings

To all:

Pray for me: I have an important eye appointment Friday afternoon. Last time I got the shots, one resulted in a bruised red eye that took about 10 days to clear. My retnal specialist physician is excellent and every once in awhile it can happen.  I've been getting shots in both eyes for the past year for the eye problems.  I'm suspecting I may need still more shots for the wet macular degeneration. But there is a complication: has asked me to do more programs for them -- to fly to Vero Beach this Sunday and return on Tuesday night for two days of taping -- Monday and Tuesday. My husband and I suggested it wait until after the holidays, but they thought it important to be done now for holiday taping. Although I have obvious differences of opinions with Rick Wiles on some key subjects (Israel), he did not censor me and I had tremendous feedback from people who said the programs were very important to them as viewers. Pray that the eye treatments are successful with no red eyes resulting and that the flight be safe and the programming go according to God's will.

Thank you!