
Friday, March 22, 2013



Today I submitted the following article to for publication.  I have made an executive decision to give my own blogspot participants the first look.  LCWR, "Leadership Conference of  Women Religious" was featured as a victim of "persecution" by a "new inquisition" on this past Sunday night's 60 Minutes.  Let me know what you think.  I am particularly interested in Susanne's always relevant opinions on subjects involving Catholic issues.

Stay tuned,



This immediate past Sunday, St. Patrick's Day, 2013, CBS' 60 MINUTES (Sixty Minutes) presented a portrayal of American Nuns, or at least those represented by the LCWR (Leadership Conference of Women Religious) as allegedly 'persecuted' victims of a new Catholic Church "Inquisition”.  It featured LCWR President Pat Farrell talking plaintively with correspondent Scott Pelley.  The American nuns were being "persecuted" for alleged lack of religious orthodoxy.  The Vatican office "persecuting" them was one and the same, under a changed name as "The Inquisition" ("Supreme Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition).   In 1904 the name was changed to the "Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office" for the Doctrine of the Faith .   The present name of the office charged with maintaining religious fidelity in the Roman Catholic Church is the "Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidel).[1]

A new inquisition?  Well, since nobody I know particularly wants that old medieval bloody spectacle, I thought I would look into it.  What I discovered was something particularly different.  If anything ever justified an "inquisition," apart from the extreme teachings of excommunicated Catholic priest Matthew Fox, this scene just might.

What is the LCWR and just what do they stand for?

"LCWR" is the acronym for Leadership Conference of Women Religious." [2]  It purports to represent Catholic women religious, e.g. Sisters or nuns of various religious orders.  Its president appeared on that 60 Minutes program this past Sunday, March 17, 2013.  I suspect Saint Patrick himself would have cried in dismay at what was said there on his feast day.

The nuns were, per Farrell and Scott Pelley "persecuted" e.g. criticized and asked to reform, because of their alleged lack of religious orthodoxy.  Just what was this lack of alleged religious orthodoxy?  Was it failing to say rosaries?  No!  Was it for eating steak on Lenten Fridays?  No!

It was instead for their blatant radical feminist as well as New Age agenda and theologies.  It was for having openly New Age leader Barbara Marx Hubbard as their 2012 Convention speaker telling all that "God is not 3 Guys in the Sky".  The theme of that convention was  “MYSTERY UNFOLDING:  LEADING IN THE EVOLUTIONARY NOW.”  It was further for taking Barbara Marx Hubbard as a religious mentor, indeed as the keynote speaker for the 2012 St. Louis, Missouri convention.  You can watch segments for yourself by going to this link.  I suggest you use an appropriate saving program and/or your video camera to record it.  I suspect it might rapidly disappear upon the publication and dissemination of this article.

This deviation from religious orthodoxy was indeed deep and fundamental.  It was truly not orthodox Roman Catholicism, but instead was a form of promotion of a New World Religion.  Under Pope John Paul II, the Roman Catholic Church took official stands against New Age religion as utterly incompatible with Christianity.  Pope John Paul II  made his first public pronouncement against it to American bishops meeting at the Vatican in June 1993.  Official provisional Vatican documents warning against it were released against in in 2003.  Here is a link to reading JESUS CHRIST THEBEARER OF THE WATER OF LIFE:  A CHRISTIAN REFLECTION ON THE “NEW AGE” I

I'll say this for that bunch.  They never quit.  This reminds me of an earlier equally disgraceful 1985 event in St. Louis, Missouri.   That was the April 8-11, 1985 NCEA Convention  (National Catholic Education Association).  Prominent New Age activists starred and ran that convention under the blessings of its then president, also a nun.  The theme that year was "Catholic Schools:  Sharing Vision, Teaching Values."  The “vision” they were sharing and the values they were teaching were distinctly New Age ones.  They came in no small part from Lucis Trust itself.  For the benefit of the "uninitiated" Lucis Trust started life under its founders Alice and Foster Bailey as Lucifer Publishing Company.  I have three books in my personal library under that Lucifer Publishing imprint.  Robert Muller, one of its activist members also serving opportunely as the Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations in charge of 37 agencies, including but not limited to UNESCO was the keynote speaker for that convention.  Global Education Associates (founded and headed by Gerald and Patricia Mische) conducted workshops openly praising and recommending Lucis Trust books and sources.  New Age writer Robert Theobald presented workshops.

I was asked to come to that convention by now deceased Elaine Beckers-Braun, a Kansas City early supporter of my expository work against the New Age Movement.  She bought an airline ticket, paid my entry fees and arranged for my presence at that event.  Early in the morning of my first day there, still nursing a headache, I was awakened by Elaine grumbling that they needed a "Resolution."  She then said, “there's a typewriter.”  I mumbled back, “that's a nice typewriter.”  Elaine barked,”get up and start writing.  I did.  Elaine had it typeset, published and circulated while I was away later that afternoon doing a radio interview.  When I  returned, people were clutching their sides and laughing.  The conference organizers were not laughing.  They were distinctly embarrassed.  The resolution circulators were threatened with unexecuted threats for convention expulsion and even arrest.  The conservative Catholic paper THE WANDERER made it their feature story for the next week.  Needless to say, the 1986 convention was relatively "toned down" at least from an overt New Age sense.  If you would like your personal copy of that Resolution which I recently found and scanned to disk, email me at with the subject line "1985 NCEA Resolution."  I'll email it back to you as a .pdf attachment.

Well, the same Catholic with a very small “c” New Agers are emboldened and they are back.  It is amazing how many of the same old players are in the game.  Now they are "much longer in the tooth" and angry at their nearly 30 year delay of their plans for inaugurating their "New World Religion" with its "New Christ" for "the New Age."  As before they are attempting to use the Roman Catholic Church as well as evangelical subverts and cohorts to do their business.

The LCWR has been greatly used by its NewAge factions.  Barbara Marx Hubbard was the lead speaker for the 2012 Convention.  You can view the photograph montage video for yourself by visiting the LCWR website  That will give you an option to go to this link: .  A handy "tinyurl" address is  As these and the other New Age fellow travelers play a delightful little game of "Now you see us, now you don't," I recommend you save it or video-photograph it for yourself.  For only $50 you may order the actual DVD of Barbara Marx Hubbard's entire LCWR presentation.  Of course, the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is FREE and definitely a much better bargain than the LCWR spectacle.

Keynoter Barbara Marx Hubbard tells these theologically renegade nuns "you are the best seed bed for evolving the Church and the world in the 21st Century."

I'm happy I've had the privilege of meeting so very many fine Cathoic nuns who definitely do not share their opinions and would recoil at the prospect of Barbara Marx Hubbard advocating at their meetings.

I note for the record, as I did in my past NewswithViews series that Barbara Marx Hubbard performed similar “honors” for a conference held with Evangelical leaders at Gold Lake, Colorado on October 23-26, 1987.  She co-chaired that meeting with none other than Doug Coe.  The event was underwritten by Fellowship Founder core group member Paul N. Temple, his daughter and his son in law.  Paul Temple is also known as the co-Founder and President Emeritus of the decidedly New Age “Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS).The theme of that meeting was “Bridging through Christ.”  I note cynically that they failed to tell the Christian participants, “which 'Christ”.  You may review that equally sorry situation by visiting my old NewswithViews archives on “The Hi-Jacking of Evangelicalism.”

Well, since 60 Minutes raised the subject of "Inquisition," I thought we might explore what Barbara Marx Hubbard whom they sponsored and endorsed had in mind as inquisition punishments for those not accepting her own "New Gospel."  Selected passages definitely read in context from her book THE BOOK OF CO-CREATION, THE BOOK OF REVELATION are telling.  First of all, the old serpentine lie of thumb your nose at God and thou shalt be as gods is presented:

Believers in your potential to be me, listen now. You have nothing to fear. Eternal life is already yours.  An irreversible process has begun in you which can no more be turned off than the mechanism of puberty.  You will go the whole way to become co-creative.  You may be killed, but you shall not die.  You shall be resurrected, as I was . If you are called upon to suffer and die during the tribulations, you must keep in mind at all times that the suffering of the present cannot compare with the glory which shall be revealed in you.  Yours the glory, yours the power, O believers in your potential to be Christ-like humans.[3]

She (and the obvious demons speaking through her) project a very unpleasant fate for those who do not accept that very newest version of their peculiar version of Revelation:

Out of the full spectrum of human personality, one-fourth is electing to transcend with all their heart, mind and spirit. One -fourth is ready to so choose, given the example of one other who has made the commitment. One-fourth is resistant to election . They are unattracted by life ever-evolving . Their higher self is unable to penetrate the density of their mammalian senses. They cannot be reached.  They do not ask ...yet they are good . They go about their business, eating, sleeping, reproducing and dying . They are full-fledged animal/humans. One-fourth is destructive.  They are born angry with God.  They hate themselves.  They project this hatred onto the world . They are defective seeds.

There have always been defective seeds.  In the past they were permitted to die a "natural death." Their bodies were recycled to new life, and their souls reincarnated in bodies capable of receiving signals from the higher self.

Well, in the past we "one-fourth defective seeds" were permitted to die a "natural death."  Not so in their "New Age" projected future.  Read on:

Now as we approach the quantum shift from creature-human to co-creative human  . . . the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body.  We have no choice, dearly beloveds.  It is a case of the destruction of the whole planet, or the elimination of the ego-driven, godless one-fourth who, at this time of planetary birth, can, if allowed to live on to reproduce their defective disconnection, destroy forever the opportunity of Homo sapiens to become Homo universalis, heirs of God . . . Before this stage of power can be inherited by the God-centered members of the social body, the self-centered members must be destroyed. There is no alternative.  Only the God-centered can evolve.  Only the good endures. [4]

Why are they doing it (killing us 'defective seeds, i.e. those not accepting their theological babbling)?  Why for the 'sake of the world, of course.  Read on:

We come to bring death to those who are unable to know God.  We do this for the sake of the world.

Well, now if executed as promised, that's the real Inquisition.  A bloody one at that!

Maybe the good sisters of the LCWR didn't know what Barbara Marx Hubbard really stood for.  Maybe they, the educational elite of the various religious orders were merely guilty of sloppy scholarship.  Is that what Catholic parents really want as education for their children?  I suspect not!

Cardinal Levada, Pope Benedict's successor as head of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, himself theologically liberal enough to sponsor and endorse United Religions unsuccessfully remonstrated with these renegade nuns over their theology.  If it was bad enough to shock Cardinal Levada, it was bad indeed!  Levada threatened in his correspondence with LCWR to have it de-certified as a Catholic organization.  Plans were allegedly discussed to create and authorize a new organization more representative of traditional Catholic Church theological views than this organization, even radical by Cardinal Levada's relatively relaxed standards.   For more information on “United Religions Initiative, read Lee Penn's excellent book, FALSE DAWN.

Well, if the LCWR women 'religious' win this battle, they might consider a new name more indicative of their own new "evolutionary theology."  I respectfully suggest this:  “THE LITTLE SISTERS OF THE NEW WORLD RELIGION."

The "persecuted nuns" of the LCWR had as their 2012 convention theme:  "Mystery Unfolding:  Leading in the Evolutionary Now."  They may well want to consider instead, the old discarded Scriptural definition of "Mystery" which is closer to the Revelation 17th definition of "Mystery Babylon" which corrupted the entire world -- the original serpentine mysteries which Barbara Marx Hubbard glorifies in her book THE HUNGER OF EVE.  Those mysteries are the original two lies of the Serpent to Eve about those willingly in disobedience to God:  (1) Thou shalt not surely die; and (2) Thou shalt be as gods.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.  I'll bet that many more Catholic sisters than the nuns LCWR purports to represent feel that way too!  I pray they do!

[1] Source Wikipedia article "Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith" March 21, 2013.
[2] Source 
[4] Hubbard, ibid, page 59.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

New Pope Elected - Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina, now Pope Francis I

The Roman Catholic Church through its College of Cardinals has just selected and introduced a new pope to the world.  He is Jorge Mario Bergoglio.  He was born and raised in Argentina.  His religious orders were through the Society of Jesus (Jesuit).  He is said to be doctrinally conservative, anti-same sex marriage, homosexual adoptions, and soundly against abortion.

He comes across, at least to the undersigned, as a humble man with a scholarly mind and a common touch.  Spanish is his primary language.  He speaks fluent Italian.  It appears that people in English speaking countries will be listening to him through an interpreter.  The last few popes spoke fluent English.  I don't think that is the case with Pope Francis I.

I'd be interested in Suzanne's news and views on the papal election.

Stay tuned!


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Anti-Christian violence in Lahore, Pakistan

This just in:  Mob violence against Christians in Pakistani city of Lahore.  Read full story by clicking here

Javier Solana donated a kidney for loved one

According to this Romanian news story I just finished reading, Javier Solana, age 70, has donated one of his kidneys for the sake and health of "a loved one."  The donee remains anonymous.  Javier Solana reportedly has since recovered sufficiently to participate in a "transplantation run."

There is nothing bad I can say about that.

Stay tuned!


Saturday, March 09, 2013

Michigan State Representative Tom McMillin on drone technology


Michigan State Representative Tom McMillin who is also the former Mayor of Auburn Hills, Michigan, a former County Commissioner, and a fine long time personal friend.  Representative Tom McMillin has sponsored legislation in the Michigan House of Representatives to protect citizens against drone technology abuse.

I will be on the air this morning, God willing, from 10 a.m. (Eastern time) to noon.  That translates from 7 a.m. Pacific time to 9 a.m. there.  Tom McMillin is a long time activist in the State of Michigan.  He is also a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) by profession.  You may view his bio and credentials by clicking here.

Tom McMillin will be joining me on the air from 10:30 Michigan time to 10:45 to discuss his concerns and his Michigan legislature bill to regulate the drone technology.  We need to listen carefully and consider what we can personally do to support him.  We also need to support and applaud watchers and warners such as United States Senator (R-Kentucky) Rand Paul.  People in government such as Tom McMillin, Rand Paul and so many others are prolonging our privacies and freedoms from governmental and private agency "snoopervision" (my coined word!)

Headlines in the Detroit Free Press Thursday morning read:  "As Drone use grows, so do privacy concerns."  The story said, inter alia, that Tom McMillin was introducing legislation in Michigan to protect us.  Senator Rand Paul did a protracted filibuster in the United States Congress,

With drone technology and the impending "internet of everything," it is no longer difficult to see how the Daniel / Revelation prophecies together with Jesus' warning in Matthew, Mark, and Luke of believers being hounded, chased, and destroyed could be possibly fulfilled.

Tom McMillin will be joining me on the air from 10:30 Michigan time to 10:45 to discuss his concerns about the drone technology and how we can support his aims as well as those of the other watchers and warners such as Rand Paul in prolonging our privacies and freedoms from governmental and private agency "snoopervision" (my coined word!)

Please join us.  In the second hour, author Lee Penn and I will be discussing both the drone technology which he has also followed as the continued saga of the Vatican elections, including the extreme corruption allegations which aired on Brian Williams' NBC Friday night hour long news program.

You can access the program, listen, and participate by going to www. and/or

Stay tuned!


Friday, March 01, 2013

The Pope has resigned, I just had my annual non-birthday, and Carl Teichrib, Lee Penn are my morning radio lineup!

As I said, the Pope's resignation left me virtually speechless.  I have written a great deal about it, but it needs condensing to insert here.  I covered the topic heavily the last two weeks on the radio and Lee Penn and I will be discussing it, who may succeed, what may be coming the second hour tomorrow morning.

That is not to detract from my first guest in the morning.  Carl Teichrib will be joining me for the first hour.  He always has crucial information and I am looking forward to hearing about his latest research.

I had my annual "non-birthday" yesterday (good for 3 years out of 4).  Then today, I saw that Google said March 1st, today was "Leap Year Birthday."  So I guess this year I had my February 28th "non-birthday" and a March 1st birthday.  Looks like Google is either making sure us "Leap Year Babies" get our birthdays remembered, or they want to take the fun out of aging only one  out of 4 years.

See you on the radio in the morning!  You can tune in at or TMERADIO.COM.  Please consider joining us in the chatroom and calling your questions into 888-747-1968.

Stay tuned!