
Monday, July 31, 2006

Chuck Hagel and Javier Solana

Senator Hagel goes against Administration on Israel policy – What, if anything, could that mean? Surely it could have NOTHING to do with his close relationship with JAVIER SOLANA, or could it?

I must confess I have not sorted out all of my own feelings on what is transpiring in the Middle East. It is tragic when civilians on both sides of the Lebanese border get caught in the crossfire. It has struck me that more of the Israeli military action is about the rockets on steroids that the Hezbollah seems to have recently acquired and freely uses. I, like others, was saddened by the approximately 60 innocents who died in the recent Lebanese village bombing. With that having been said, political realities and individual agendas must still be examined for the other players. One of those players is Javier Solana. One political commentator recently referred to him as a “lightweight” European voice. I’m sure Javier Solana didn’t like that. I’m equally sure it is not true.

Today, a Republican United States Senator, Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, came out in staunch open opposition to the Administration’s current policy. Read all about it here.[1] I find this much more significant than say, for example, Condoleezza Rice. United States Senators are supposed to be independent. Condoleezza Rice is a Presidential appointee and must conduct herself in line with Administration policy. This is not necessarily true of a United States Senator who must primarily please only the electorate of his own state.

Knowing of Chuck Hagel’s long time and seemingly close relationship with Javier Solana, I paid immediate attention to his declaration against the Administration today. I don’t always (in fact, I don’t often) agree with the current administration. On the other hand, I don’t have a relationship of any type (except as a probably vocally annoying critic) of Dr. Solana. This is not true of Senator Hagel who obviously has a publicly close one. Below are just a few of the 689 google hits on Javier Solana and Senator Hagel – TOGETHER!

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat -
[PDF] Javier SOLANA, EU High Representative for the CFSP, to visitNew ...
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat -
View as HTMLJavier SOLANA, European Union High Representative for the Common Foreign and ... scheduled to meet with Republican Senator Chuck HAGEL and Democratic - Similar pages
EU@UN - EUHR Solana will visit the United States
Presentation of the Transatlantic Leadership Award to Senator Chuck Hagel, with Special Introductory Remarks by Javier Solana, Secretary General of the - 21k -
Cached - Similar pages
MEDIA ADVISORY: Javier Solana, European Union High Representative ...
Javier Solana, EU High Representative for the CFSP, Visits New York and ... meet with Republican Senator Chuck Hagel and Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton. - 34k -
Cached - Similar pages
Javier Solana's speech was a very important one and is fully in line with the ... Last Week, I had a very interesting meeting with Senator Chuck Hagel of - 26k -
Cached - Similar pages
Javier Solana
Meeting with Republican Senator Chuck Hagel. 19:15 Working dinner with James Wolfensohn, Quartet Envoy for Disengagement. 18/01/2006. Washington - 72k -
Cached - Similar pages
Secretary general / High Representative CFSP, Javier Solana
Secretary general / High Representative CFSP, Javier Solana · Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) ... Meeting with Republican Senator Chuck Hagel - 78k -
Cached - Similar pages[ More results from ]
European Institute
Dr. Javier Solana, Secretary General of the Council of the European Union and High ... In his remarks, Senator Chuck Hagel stated that the EU's strength and - 12k -
Cached - Similar pages
Daily Press Briefing (December 9, 2004)
On December 10, the foreign minister will meet with Senator Chuck Hagel (R) of ... the international mediation effort conducted notably under Javier Solana, - 22k -
Cached - Similar pages
People's Daily Online -- Solana to visit Washington, Iran, Middle ...
... (EU)'s foreign and security policy chief Javier Solana will discuss Iran, ... Republican senator Chuck Hagel and Democratic senator Hillary Clinton. - 22k -
Cached - Similar pages

Senator Hagel was given the European Institute’s 2003 award. The presentation remarks were given by none other than “our very good friend” Javier Solana. Other Senatorial figures that Javier Solana has enjoyed especially seemingly close ties are Richard Lugar (Republican, Indiana); Hillary Clinton (Democrat, New York) and ex-Senator Sam Nunn (Democrat – Georgia). Hillary Clinton’s are probably the most explainable – it was her husband, former President Bill Clinton, who was instrumental in his 1995 rise to NATO power. Sam Nunn was an invitee participant in Javier Solana’s Operation Black Dawn, a simulated global war against terrorism.

Frankly, I did not and still do not know which is more terrifying. Global terrorism? OR Solana’s “global war against terrorism.” I rather and painfully suspect that both might be forms of terrorism.

Well, I’m sure I’m reading too much into things. I think I’d better go look at that moon again! It may be getting pinker as I write.

July 31, 2006


Thursday, July 27, 2006

Advances towards a total cashless society?


As the other agendas of the "New Age" advance, so, apparently is the supporting technology of some of their control freak planners. Hewlett Packard's public relation agencies now proudly report their development of an implantable and/or attachable rice size wireless chip, 10 times the speed of already fast "bluetooth" that can be used for a wide variety of bluntly, creepy, purposes. The other day a reader to this blogspot reported that even Hillary Clinton had expressed alarm over the too rapid rise of such technology, reporting with dismay that "next thing we know they will want to implant these in students' brains."

According to HP's press release:

"The chip incorporates a built-in antenna and is completely self-contained, with no need for a battery or external electronics. It receives power through inductive coupling from a special read-write device, which can then extract content from the memory on the chip. Inductive coupling is the transfer of energy from one circuit component to another through a shared electromagnetic field. A change in current flow through one device induces current flow in the other device."

Here are some of the present more benign projected uses, per HP:

  • Medical records: Embed a Memory Spot chip into a hospital patient’s wrist band and full medical and drug records can be kept securely available.
  • Audio photo: Attach a chip to the prints of photographs and add music, commentary or ambient sound to enhance the enjoyment of viewing photos.
  • Digital postcards: Send a traditional holiday postcard to family and friends with a chip containing digital pictures of a vacation, plus sounds and even video clips.
  • Document notes: A Memory Spot chip attached to a paper document can include a history of all the corrections and additions made to the text, as well as voice notes and graphical images.
  • Perfect photocopies: A Memory Spot chip attached to a cover sheet eliminates the need to copy the original document. Just read the perfect digital version into the photocopier and the result will be sharp output every time, no matter how many copies are needed, and avoiding any possibility of the originals jamming in the feeder.
  • Security passes: Add a chip to an identity card or security pass for the best of both worlds --- a handy card with secure, relevant digital information included.
  • Anti-counterfeit tags: Counterfeit drugs are a significant problem globally. Memory Spot chips can contain secure information about the manufacture and quality of pharmaceuticals. When added to a drug container, this can prove their authenticity. A similar process could be used to verify high-value engineering and aviation components.

Query? Did Hillary Clinton have an advance showing of this?

I like HP printers and computers, but I emphasize, don't look to me to be an end user on THIS PRODUCT! It sounds remarkably close to what the prophet John envisioned the antichrist and false prophet using and causing others to use. Shades of "The Omen", "Rosemary's Baby," "The Exorcism" and "Left Behind" all rolled into one! Count me personally out!

July 27, 2006, 8:29 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, USA

IN MEMORIAM Maryann Mahaffey

IN MEMORIAM: Maryann Mahaffey – 1925-2006

I awoke to breaking news this morning that old political acquaintance, former Detroit City Council President, Maryann Mahaffey died lovingly surrounded by her husband, Hy Dooha and daughter Susan. Her United Methodist Church pastor was also at her bedside. Her last of many lifetime battles was against leukemia. She was a political liberal. Ann Coulter would probably (and inaccurately) call her “Godless.” I found myself personally saying the most intense deep prayers for her soul. Maryann Mahaffey was there personally for me at a most crucial incubator time of my work against the New Age Movement and I what I have personally battled for the past 25 years. For that, I have always been personally grateful, even though Maryann Mahaffey and I had significant differences over many issues. As do so many Detroiters, I deeply mourn her passing.

I moved to Detroit in the early fall of 1965, not knowing a soul apart from my husband. I applied for admission to Wayne State University and after successfully battling to gain residential rate status, I was accepted and began evening classes in January 1966. My son, Stephen came along in August, 1967. Like so many of my age and generation, I was affected by the turbulence of our times. The Detroit riots began on July 23, 1967, a little more than two weeks before my son’s expected birth. From our northwest Detroit home’s neighborhood, I could hear gunfire coming from other sections of Detroit under both siege and fire. Many of my generation were dying in the Vietnam war. My personal commitment to political action began when I heard national Democratic Chairman, John Bailey, say “like it or not, Lyndon Johnson will be renominated and re-elected as President of the United States.” Outraged by the implication, I watched for somebody to stand up to that unilateral declaration. The only voice then speaking was an unlikely soft-spoken Democratic United States senator from Minnesota, Eugene McCarthy. When I saw a McCarthy for President sign on a storefront headquarters in Northwest Detroit in early 1968, I was one of the first to volunteer. Other young mothers had also volunteered and I suggested that we find a qualified child care worker to watch our children safely in the building as we did our political things upstairs. This happened and this was my experience with what was to become several years of near total political involvement as I simultaneously mothered my son, attended college, worked for the legislature and eventually went to and finished law school, graduating in May, 1975.

One of the most interesting and impressive people I met through that time – certainly the most intense, was a woman named Maryann Mahaffey. I also got to know her husband, Hy Dooha. Maryann was a Professor of Social Work at Wayne State University when I got to know her. I was a young and intense person with political aspirations. I did not know about the New Age Movement in those early days and did not discover its existence until 1981, approximately 14 years after I first met Maryann Mahaffey at various Democratic Party functions in the Detroit metropolitan area.

My deepest feelings about Maryann Mahaffey stems not from my political involvement where I deeply respected her, although not always agreeing with her. It is fair to say that she was probably far to my political left. Many in her crowd were also deeply anti-clerical. I do not believe that was true of Maryann.

I discovered the New Age Movement in 1981, approximately 1 ½ years after husband Barry lost his legs in a traumatic injury. Maryann Mahaffey as had so many other gracious Detroiters offered me their kindest sympathies at the time. Former governor, John Swainson, himself a wartime amputee came to Henry Ford Hospital (where Maryann Mahaffey died this morning) to visit.

When I discovered the New Age Movement and immediately realized its prophetic and biblical implications, I took the information unsuccessfully to my then pastor, Joseph Stowell, who would eventually head Moody Bible Institute for many years. I must bluntly say the information got out no thanks to him. I finally thought to myself, “my clients pay me for advice – they will listen.” My client base got a one by one education on the New Age Movement. – so did my political acquaintances. One startled lapsed Catholic went to report what he learned to a childhood friend who had become a priest. That priest came to see me (Fr. Eduard Perrone) and this resulted in what eventually led to Pope John Paul II speaking out against the New Age Movement in 1993. It also led, in part, to materials being received by conservative Catholics in the Seattle area that were passed on to then Cardinal Ratzinger which would lead to Matthew Fox’s investigation, silencing, and eventual ex-communication.

When I discovered this material, I had been steadily rising in political and legal circles. I was on the chairs to become President of the National Association of Women Lawyers. I served terms as secretary and treasurer. Its other officers and many members were also educated by yours truly on the New Age Movement and its ramifications. I discovered the New Age Movement during my term as treasurer and resigned from the organization when my work against the New Age Movement took on national dimensions. I remember sitting there as I horrifiedly realized the implications and knowing I could not conscientiously remain silent mumbling to myself, “professional suicide, political suicide – professional suicide, political suicide.” Were it not for the biblical Daniel prophecy about those with insight being in the plural, I would not have had the courage to go forward. That read, “those with insight among the people shall give understanding to the many.”

My support often came from where I least expected it. So did my opposition. I had not discussed the New Age Movement with Maryann Mahaffey, but word of my new advocacy quickly made gossip rounds in Detroit political circles. I received a telephone call from Lowell Cauffiel, a then Detroit radio personality who later became better known as an author. He said my name had come up in a discussion he had with a young Detroit lawyer (one formerly caught up in the New Age Movement who gave me my first Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh book), Maryann Mahaffey and two or three others. Somebody there quipped, “Connie must have ran off and joined Jehovah’s Witneses." Lowell Cauffiel told me that immediately Maryann Mahaffey immediately and strongly came to my defense. She strongly lectured all, “listen, I have known Connie for many years. I have never known her to go off half-cocked about something she didn’t absolutely know what she’s talking about. I hate to say it, but if Connie says it’s happening, it’s happening.”

Because of that statement by Maryann Mahaffey, my work was not marginalized and trivialized by Detroit media at a very crucial incubator stage of it. There were others who would play vital roles, but what Maryann Mahaffey did was absolutely crucial. She would later have her chief of staff, a Jewish woman, contact me for a full briefing on both Curtis Sliwa’s “Guardian Angels” and the New Age Movement. I laid out everything for her in several intense working sessions at the conclusion of which she (the aide) said, “this is the most insidious and evil material I have ever seen. I am going to shake your hand right now. You will take much abuse for this, but I want you to know I thank you for it.”

Within a couple of weeks after that I was invited to Detroit’s City County Building’s Council Chambers to brief the combined staffs of Detroit Councilwoman Maryann Mahaffey, Detroit Councilman Nicholas Hood, and Detroit Councilman John People’s staff.” The large audience intently listened with many relevant questions, as I showed them the numerous collected materials on both the political and anti-religious aims of the New Age Movement. Again, it was crucial support at a very early incubator stage of what was to become my long struggle to expose the New Age Movement by whatever moniker it chose to currently use to the public.

After taking my stand against the New Age Movement, I was no longer active in political causes. I was solidly on the road between 1982 and 1989. I returned to the active practice of law near the end of 1988 and by 1989 had rehung my shingle as a lawyer. Although between that and my continuing research on New Age Movement issues, I had no time for political activism, I would occasionally see my political friends. One was Detroit City Clerk James Bradley. I was his family’s personal attorney. I first met him when he was in the legislature and I worked for the Michigan House of Representatives. A long time public servant, James Bradley died in the fall of 1997. I was honored to be asked by his family to be one of the eulogizing speakers at his very large and public funeral. Mr. Bradley was a believer.

The funeral was packed. Many who’s who of Michigan political and civic life were present. I was sitting somewhere in the middle of the room. I saw then Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer walk in. I then saw Detroit City Council President Maryann Mahaffey walk in, her broken arm in a sling. I saw her looking here and there and then to my utter surprise she walked over to me personally. “Connie, I’ve been looking all over for you,” said Maryann Mahaffey. “You are to sit between Mayor Archer and me.”

When I gave my personal eulogy about Mr. Bradley, I said that the greatest thing about him was not his civic involvement, he knew Jesus.

It is not uncommon to see believers and non-believers alike at political funerals. I plan, God willing, to be at Maryann Mahaffey’s memorial service. I could not look into anyone’s mind and know what they are thinking as I gave my own clear personal Christian testimony. In the years I have seen her since, Maryann Mahaffey was always seemed very happy to see me. To my knowledge, she never said an unkind word – unlike many of those in the evangelical world who tried their very best to stifle and contain my work.

I went to Maryann Mahaffey’s Cobo Hall tribute luncheon on March 24th of this year. Many old friends far to my political left were there. To my pleasant surprise, Maryann Mahaffey’s personal Methodist pastor gave the invocation. I noticed that Maryann Mahaffey’s head appeared deeply and intently bowed in what appeared to be very personal prayer.

Maryann Mahaffey to my personal knowledge had views significantly to my political left. She was intensely and passionately for “the little person.” She did with vigour feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and visit those in prison.” After watching her so obviously intent in personal prayer at that luncheon I am convinced that she did love the Lord with all her heart, soul, and mind as well. I said my deepest and most intense personal prayers this morning for God’s taking of her body and soul. She was there for me by her kind and supporting words at a crucial, incubator stage of my work which may have otherwise been hopelessly marginalized at its very start.

Maryann Mahaffey, rest in peace and may God go with you. I love you.

July 27, 2006

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

P R I C E L E S S!


Please, please, please go to Herb Peters' website and view this post:

It is priceless! I look forward to your comments.

Thank you,

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Of Fr, Mitch Pacwa, Matt Fox, EWTN, and mixed old memories

Of Fr. Mitch Pacwa, Matt Fox, and EWTN – Mixed feelings and memories

Considering my personal experiences with him, I have had extremely mixed feelings about the work of Fr. Mitch Pacwa, who is now bearing increasingly prominent roles with EWTN. EWTN is Mother Angelica’s founded network. I rejoice for those delivered from the deceptions of Oscar Ichazo and his enneagram. On the other hand, I mourn for those desensitized to pernicious forms of New Age deception such as Teilhard de Chardin (Pacwa’s first book on the New Age claims Chardin “saved his faith”), the Bahai’s (I was personally present at a lecture where Pacwa went out of his way to say they were not part of the New Age Movement – they clearly are!) and Outcome Based Education (Robert Muller took some credit for founding this, but said he couldn’t take all the credit which went to Djwhal Khul, Alice Bailey’s ‘guiding spirit.’)

My personal opinion is that Satan doesn’t much care which branch of the New Age one gets into – just get into one. If that can’t be accomplished, leave it alone as “harmless.”

For a very long time, I’ve held back publicly on my personal opinions and experiences with Mitch Pacwa. However, with spreading confusion as the New Age agenda advances, I now believe it is time that this information goes forth. This is the introduction to several blogspot columns I will be writing on Fr. Pacwa.

I gave many talks for a man I very much admire, Fr. Paul Marx and his organization Human Life International. These were given at various times throughout the 1980s and 1990s. Fr. Marx is now retired. Human Life International, I am told, still has copies of my first book, THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW, available for sale. Fr. Marx accurately saw the New Age Movement as a major player in the anti-life cultures of abortion and euthanasia.

It was immediatlely after returning from one of those seminars in California in the early 1990s that I had my first rude introduction to Fr. Pacwa. I had a tearful telephone call from a Catholic woman from Naperville, Illinois. She asked if I still believed what I wrote in THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW. “Yes,” I told her. She then said that her parish had a priest in to speak about the New Age Movement. She said he was supposed to be against the New Age Movement, but parts of what he had to say sounded New Age in and of themselves. She then said that she asked him about materials from Hidden Dangers. She said he “almost exploded” and then blurted out, “why, Constance Cumbey no longer believes what she wrote in Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow!

I went, “huh, who is this guy?” She said, “his name is Father Pacwa.” She spelled it for me. That’s all she could tell me and we concluded her call.

God’s timing is certainly interesting. I had no sooner hung up from that call when I immediately received another. This one was from somebody identifying himself as a Catholic video tape producer from Los Angeles. He said they were interested on doing a tape on the New Age Movement with me. He said they had recently finished one with Fr. Pacwa, but after listening to my talk and question and answer session in California, they felt it was important that they do one with me as well. I said, “it’s interesting you should mention Fr. Pacwa. I need to speak with him. Do you have his phone number?” I was promptly furnished one. I never did hear from the producer again about the proposed video series. I rather suspect, given concurring and subsequent events that Pacwa himself may have ran interference.

I promptly called Fr. Pacwa. He had a very jovial tape recorded message on his answering machine. I left my name and number. I did this a couple of later times before receiving a return call. When Fr. Pacwa finally called me we had an interesting and somewhat disturbing conversation.

I asked him why he would say I no longer believed what I wrote in Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow without first personally checking with me. As many of my readers know, I have never been inaccessible by those wishing to personally converse with me. He then said, “that’s what they told me when I was up at Spiritual Counterfeits Project.”

He then went on to say that the woman who contacted me from Napierville who he did recall questioning him at his talk in that town “was a very paranoid type.” He then volunteered that “I agree with much of your work, but we have our points of disagreement.” I said, “well, let’s talk about the disagreements.” He said, “I disagree with you about Matthew Fox.” I said, “why?” He said, “there are mitigating circumstances with Matthew Fox.” I said, “what could possibly be mitigating about a priest teaching the doctrines of the New Age Movement?” He said, “David Spangler teaches the Age of Aquarius – Matthew Fox does not teach the Age of Aquarius.” Dumbfounded, I said, “have you read Matthew Fox’s books?” He said that he had. I then asked him, “have you read Whee, Wee, We?” “No, I haven’t read that one,” said Pacwa.

I suggested he might want to read Whee, Wee, We. I accurately told him that in that book Matthew Fox said we were coming out of the Age of Pisces and entering the Age of Aquarius. He had further said that it was idolatry for us to worship our “past gods" for the Age of Pisces as we were entering the Age of Aquarius. Further, he said that “the sins of the Israelites was to worship the gods of the Age of the Bull when in fact they were entering the Age of the Ram.” We too must not repeat their sin by going "awhoring" over our "past gods" continued Fox.

Fr. Pacwa thanked me and said he sure would appreciate having that documentation. I had the book sitting within my physical range in my law office. I suggested a quick solution. I asked if he had a fax number and I would promptly photocopy and fax the documentation. Fr. Pacwa said he would have to get the fax number for me. I said, “well, I’ll tell you what. Here’s my fax number. You fax me your fax number when you find it and I’ll immediately fax you back the documentation.”

I did receive a fax from Fr. Pacwa, but it did not include a fax number. Instead he had scrawled a large and crude message, “Have a nice life. Mitch Pacwa.”

A few months later, I was told that Fr. Pacwa had released a book on the New Age Movement. I purchased a copy. Interestingly, the cover design and pattern of the book reminded me of my own formatting. Disturbingly the book praised one of the instigators of much of the New Age action, Teilhard de Chardin. The book did give accurate warnings against the enneagram practices. It was less than a complete warning about the New Age Movement. The book then had a similar section to one I had placed in The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow. It started out, however with a “Not Recommended” section. It had two important books only on that: The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow by Constance Cumbey and Unicorn in the Sanctuary by Randall England (Randy England). He specifically criticized my analysis of New Agers following Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and Alice Ann Bailey.

Oh, and what did he do with Matthew Fox? Well, it was clear by then that he had obtained and read Whee, Wee, We. He did write extensively about Matthew Fox and that book in particular. He debatably referred to Fox and his Bear & Company venture as "a genius." Then he wrote, “is Matthew Fox a New Ager? That’s hard to say.”

No, that should not be hard for an honest person who at least claims to "be informed" about New Age Movement issues to say!

Why am I coming out with this information now and not earlier? Well, I believed it important for Catholics to receive information on the New Age Movement and as defective as parts of Fr. Pacwa’s message was, it was better than no information. Secondly, he is coming into a more prominent role with EWTN, a television network I greatly admire and I am fearful of where he may be taking it. Mother Angelica did a 90 minute special with me on the New Age Movement in the late 1980s and re-ran it several times. I noticed in many later books on the New Age Movement coming from people of her network that my work was no longer mentioned. I suspect Pacwa was a determinative force on this.

Now Lucis Trust and Matthew Fox have obviously come out of their respective closets. Lucis Trust is the offspring of the originally named Lucifer Publishing Company. That was founded by Alice and Foster Bailey in 1922 after they emigrated to New York City from southern California where they had actively worked with the Theosophical Society. They have released Study Six of their World Goodwill, “The Problems of Humanity” Building Right Human Relations” series.

Here’s a direct link to it.

As I often remind my readers. Hard copy it and/or electronically archive it – immediately. The New Agers continue to play their lovely little game of “now you see us, now you don’t.” As fast as I posted the links to the Maitreyan references appearing on an search for “Javier Solana,” they immediately disappeared. Herb Peters has a screen shot of both! This linked Lucis Trust document clearly references Matthew Fox and his critiques of current religion. The same Acrobat pdf document deals abundantly with what they call “The Reappearance of the Christ.”

I would so much like to see Mitch Pacwa’s otherwise valuable work on the New Age Movement salvaged by an honest and public reevaluation of those elements of the New Age Movement he has desensitized people to – Matthew Fox, Outcome Based Education, and the Baha’is.

He also owes an apology to those doing honest pioneering work against the New Age Movement. I have thick skin and don’t care so much, but how about him apologizing to Randy England, the Catholic lawyer who did write an honest warning against the New Age Movement, the book The Unicorn in the Sanctuary?

I’m glad Fr. Pacwa came out of the New Age Movement and publicly warns against certain aspects of it. I’ll be happier still when he gives the full picture, or else gets out of the way of those who are! Interestingly, Pacwa's book says his personal involvement with the New Age Movement in Detroit, Michigan (my own 'stomping grounds') were at something called "The Center for Integral Yoga Studies." Located across the street from University of Detroit where Pacwa once taught, it was a major local contributor in successfully bringing Benjamin Creme to Detroit to speak to a very packed audience at a large Unity Church owned facility. This happened on November 4, 1981. Center for Integral Yoga Study activists were prominently present, as were A Course in Miracles, est, Silva Mind Control, Unification Church, Unity Church, Reikki practitioners, the Holistic Health Medical Association, Bread for the World, and so many others willing to publicly advocate for a so-called coming new "Christ" who was neither Jesus nor Jewish.

I pray that Fr. Pacwa's stance on this was from less than complete information rather than more malign motivations!

As usual, I invite your comments.

Friday, July 14, 2006

That Moon looks red again!

That Moon appears to be growing redder by the day . . .

Ironically, I write these words on Javier Solana’s 64th birthday . . . July 14, 2006

I left my law office the other night -- Monday -- and again was frustrated by my lack of a camera. There was a huge, distinctly pink full moon to my south, hovering over a metropolitan Detroit skyline. Were it not only July, I would have probably characterized it as a “harvest moon.” It was a smaller and very white moon last night – at least in this corner of Michigan where I reside.

Monday was my first day back in the office after Oregon speaking engagements. I’ve seen relatively little of the news, but what I have seen is disturbing to the nth degree. Nothing much of good appeared to be going on in the world. Iran was non-committal about ridding itself of nuclear fission processing. The United States through White House Press Secretary, Tony Snow, said its foremost consideration in the whole Iran scenario was that above all, it deal through its acknowledge channel. The “channel,” is as we all know by now, none other than “our very good friend, Javier Solana.”[1]

Well, that didn’t help me sleep much better at night, especially after reading recent Statewatch reports on “Arming Big Brother.”[2]

When I left home on Tuesday morning, India had suffered violent train bombings in Mumbai (better known to most of us as the former Bombay). [3]More than 200 casualties were attributed to it. When I arrived home very late that night (come to think of it, the next night after I saw the large, pinkish moon) I learned that there had been a serious train accident in Chicago, as well. [4] But even all that bad news was eclipsed the very next day by the news coming from Israel which had already been bad enough all the previous week. Israel was responding to Hezbollah bombings by air strikes and troops dispatched to Lebanon. All Israel reservists were called up to active duty. Javier Solana was condemned by the ZOA. [5] I wasn’t quite sure how that would play out, especially with the Lucis Trust New Agers who give the usual line in response to charges of anti-Semitism, that “we’re not anti-Semitic, we’re anti-Zionist.”[6]

And then I decided to top off my Wednesday night with a peek at Javier Solana from the perspective of data bases other than I sure was surprised to see my name showing up as a “related name” on,,, etc. I was even more surprised to see what was coming up as their top prioritized story on Javier Solana – an article about Tara Center/Share International’s alleged “Maitreya the Christ.”[7] Unbelievable, even to me. You’d better hurry over that and archive it for yourself. They play this lovely little game of “now you see us, now you don’t.”

Yes, it’s been quite a week. I wonder how it will end? I wonder when I’ll see the moon red again?


Saturday, July 01, 2006



I have been traveling where I will be speaking in Cottage Grove, Oregon for a few days. That has occupied my energies for the last few days as I tried to organize home, law practice, and materials for this trip, not to mention that packing has never been my greatest attribute. I just took a peek at friend Herb Peters’ website and saw something I wished I had authored myself. I am taking the liberties of borrowing my material to maximize its exposure. You can read it here and then go to his site by clicking the appropriate link at the right side of my blogspot. I welcome your comments and I’m sure Herb does too.

Poor Guy

The G-8 [has] issued their decision: Iran must respond to Javier Solana's incentive package that was approved by the so-called "five plus one" nations, at a meeting next week with Solana Read about it here. If you recall, Iran said the world would have to wait until next August for their reply. Evidently, something may have changed their mind. Let's take a look at what this "something" might be.
For a start, just who are the G-8 nations now throwing their weight behind Solana? They are a grouping of the world's eight major economies -- Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, United Kingdom, and the United States.
OK. Now, who are the "five plus one" nations that supported Solana's incentive package offer to Iran? They are the five governing UN Security Council powers, the United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia and China -- plus Germany. And, last I knew, the UN was an international body made up of 191 nations. I think I'll skip listing all these nations.
Now, who are the EU nations? Why? Because, according to this article Read it here, Solana represents this group of nations too. Let's see, the EU member states are, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands and United Kingdom.
Friends, these are a lot of nations. Each individual group of nations mentioned -- the G-8, the "five plus one" governing powers of the 191 member UN and the 25 member EU -- have an awful lot of clout in the world. But, when someone succeeds in bringing them all together -- such as Solana evidently has -- we're talking about someone who has achieved almost unimaginable international stature.
So, Iran's negotiator must meet with Solana next week.
Poor guy.