
Monday, May 23, 2005

"Europe should pool its defence resources"

Javier Solana – finally coming out of the EU ‘Peacekeeping’ Closet?

The London Financial Times has just posted an article by Javier Solana.[1] Modestly entitled “Europe should pool its defence resources”, it calls for each and every European country to immediately pool their resources. Such resources total 160 billion Euros or in US dollar terms $201 billion.

Says Solana, “[T]he scale of the transformation required is huge. A radical shift of investment must be made . . . We need the equipment and technology to allow peacekeeping troops to be rapidly deployed . . . We need the intelligence capabilities to understand what is happening on the ground . . . and communications for effective command and control. . . The logic of pursuing transformation as a collaborative venture is both operational and economic. Europe’s crisis management operations will be multinational; it makes no sense for each contingent to have incompatible equipment. Pooling resources on research, technology development and the acquisition and maintenance of equipment is the only way our armed forces will get interoperable equipment at a price they can afford . .”

Oh, and about his “American partners”, what does Uncle Javier say?

“That is how the second part of the EDA’s mandate can be achieved: the strengthening of Europe’s defence technology and industrial base to compete effectively on a global basis with US defence companies . . .”

That’s right folks – COMPETE – NOT COOPERATE.

Wonder what he’s doing with all those lovely post-911 aerial photos of American military and industrial installations as the NATO planes patrolled our skies? Please go to the archives and see my blogspot of April 17th. [2]

Sorry as usual to be the bearer of bad tidings, but a military machine such as he is describing is obviously for far more than “peacekeeping” – it is an indescribable instrument for war-making!

May the Lord help us all!
[1] London Financial Times, May 22, 2005, “Europe should pool its defence resources” by Javier Solana, and at Solana's own website, see


Sunday, May 15, 2005

Interesting forerunners

Solana, John Buchan's novel, the European Union and 'the Ashoka Nine'
Interesting claims, interesting forerunners

In researching some of the ties and similarities of vision, I have made some intriguing finds -- I am still following up on this, but the vision propelling the European Union may in part be traced to some of the more exotic New Age beliefs of "The Ashoka 9". I first read of this theory in doing my original 1981 work on the New Age Movement. It was detailed in a book by Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, later known as "OSHO." I AM THE GATE was the title to this work. I note cynically that Rajneesh/Osho didn't say to where. Javier Solana is daily less bashfully claiming heightened powers he is expected to hold very soon over Europe and even beyond. For sure, based on his writings, he is as the New Agers say, "thinking globally, acting locally." Of the position he has carved out for himself under the expected new constitution, he writes for Global Agenda Magazine:

Finally, the Constitution foresees the creation of an EU External Action Service. This will bring together staff from different institutions that today shape and implement the EU’s foreign policies. For the first time Europe will have a single team working under one roof and answerable to one person responsible for the full range of EU external relations.

This is sobering enough. But it becomes even more interesting when one considers that Solana's mother's personal "teacher" was one and the same as the Indian guru who gave all of Oregon, USA such a fright in the 1980s. Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh first took over the town of Antelope, Oregon and nearly took over Madras, Oregon as well. He renamed the first as Rajneeshpuram. He then constructed crematoriums with bleacher seats. He armed the town's police force with more weapons than the entire state of Oregon. This alarmed even a normally sympathetic to Rajneesh, Yoga Instructors Journal. Finally, his subordinates injected salmonella poisoning in the neighboring hostile communities' water supply. Only then was he finally deported. Fleeing deportation, he flew with his private plane to Spain, relying on promises that he could have residency there. This was during a time when Solana was spokesman for the Spanish government. I am surmising, but one possibility is that the promises were given by those with access to Solana and then revoked, when it was clear that Rajneesh was the international embarrassment he had become in 1987, the promise was not kept. Rajneesh expressed great disgust about this in his bio. Solana's mother's 1996 book, however, still refers affectionately to Osho and reported that he had urged her to write her book on the life of Sir Francis Bacon and had blessed her efforts.

What was so terribly of interest in Rajneesh's book was that he proclaimed the New Age would see the positive re-emergence of the swastika as a symbol. He also talked of a secret history involving human history and "the Ashoka Nine." According to Rajneesh, Krishnamurti, the Theosophical candidate between 1910 and 1929 to be the long awaited "Maitreya the Christ" was completely suitable for the job. Rajneesh mourned that nobody knew why he didn't take it, but when he declined, the Ashoka Nine then turned to Adolfus Hitler. The reason Hitler didn't make it, per Rajneesh, obviously ignoring the divine intervention, was that Hitler got to thinking he was bigger than the Ashoka nine. Now, per Rajneesh, there is somebody new in the wings.

In writing my 1983 released HIDDEN DANGERS, I consulted several books dealing with the Nazis and the occult. One was the Jean-Michel Angebert book, THE OCCULT AND THE THIRD REICH which I am presently rereading and redigesting. Another was Pauwels and Bergiers THE MORNING OF THE MAGICIANS. Interesting internet analyses have been done on that book. One frequent blogspot contributor is Terry who hosts a conspiracy related website. He made reference to that book recently on my comments page. As I told him, I was familiar with the work, but frankly considered the Angebert work superior. However, that is not to say that THE MORNING OF THE MAGICIANS is without value. Au contraire, there are great insights to be had there into the mindset of those who would revisit that not-so-blessed morning upon us. Another interesting weblink contains a 10 year old essay on Morning of the Magicians by R. T. Gault. He makes reference to writers Talbot Mundy, "The Nine Unknown" and unnervingly to John Buchan's THE POWER HOUSE. The full link may be found by clicking on the "Interesting Forerunners" heading to this blogspot article.

"… in which the hero has an unnerving conversation with a conspirator in a group of "extra-social intelligences" -- idealists who are going to make a new world. The story is from 1910, and the ideas expressed sound uncomfortably like Nazism. [Buchan is best known as the father of the modern spy novel, but was a loyal servant of the late British Empire, serving as Governor General of Canada for a while. He expressed some of the same fear of new fascist groups in his The Three Hostages, 1924.]

While your guess as to who Rajneesh's new candidate for "Maitreya"/Betraya or whatever his name is supposed to be is as good as mine, could it possibly be Rajneesh student Nieves Mathew's younger son? When one considers that Buchan was a family friend and correspondent of a prominent Theosophical allied grandfather of one of Javier Solana's greatest on-line fans, one calling the relatively short man, "Solana, A Giant Among Men", one who has posted to this very board, one is given pause indeed. The New Agers might call it "synchronicity," Christians might call it "revelation" -- others might call it a coincidence. Once again, I don't know, but would love to find out!

As always, I invite all comments.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Repost - Lost in Phelps Shuffle


Dear Readers:

This is a very quick repost. This was posted yesterday and then I noticed the sad rantings of the Eric Jon Phelps crowd not liking having their obvious New Age Movement connections uncovered. As they then proceeded on their own BBS to pronounce even Your Truly a "Jesuit Coadjutor", I humorously took advantage of that both to show the ludicrousness of their position and to simultaneously warn Catholics of New Age and New Age Disinformation moles within their own camps. So, that article may be accessed (and publicly commented upon) by clicking on the archived articles for 5-8-2005 (May 8, 2005) as the Americans count dates. In the meantime, one of the most important articles I have posted and am now reposting for those not familiar with accessing the archives, I am reposting.

The following article I had posted before discovering that little bit of apparent demonic confusion, had importance that I did not want overlooked in the Phelps' shuffle. Therefore, I am reposting it below. It assumes even more importance in light of certain pacts the EU's Javier Solana negotiated and signed with Russia yesterday. As there are now public discussions in the very Russian press itself about the potential importance to Russia of joining the European Union, I felt that the spotlight (sunshine?) needed to be regrouped on that. The prophetic implications should be obvious.

Thanking you blogspot readers for bearing with me, I remain

Respectfully yours,

CONSTANCE E. CUMBEY (for private communications)

May 12, 2005

Javier Solana has recently announced the the EU is sending police advisers to the Palestinian Union. It is not the first such operation for the European Union.

Javier Solana continues to build his cabinet. He also has a large bureaucracy serving himself and his cabinet. He also has a very large budget. I reported 26 billion Euros on the Wikipedia article of which I was the primary author -- at least until SqueakBox did the butcher job. However, Chris Patten in a speech reported his External Affairs budget was something like 70 billion Euros. Since Javier Solana has long since succeeded to his and Patten's combined budgets, most likely it is somewhere far beyond the 70 billion euro figure for just the CFSP portion. When one counts, as does Solana, military resources as including those belonging individually to the about to be non-sovereign countries of the European Union, e.g, Great Britain's army, navy and airforce, Germany's police operations; France's army, navy, and airforce, etc., etc., and a continent full of potential recruits and or conscripts, one sees that Javier Solana has a potentially massive operation indeed.Michael Matthiessen works for Javier Solana. Solana must not trust his aides to go by themselves to represent his interests. Fascinatingly, Matthiessen noted in his speech to InWEnt, a Germany think tank conglomerate, that although his boss was Javier Solana, he was "under the control" of others:I am on the civilian side, I speak under the control of a colleague from the EU military staff being here, but I think we can say that we have worked very closely among the civilian and military actors. Not least in the case of Artemis, of course, the cooperation was very close with the Commission - and I'm speaking also on the control of a colleague from the Commission here - working with our colleagues dealing with humanitarian assist
These are some of the military operations of the European Union under Javier Solana that Mr. Matthiessen saw fit to discuss openly:
--ESDP - European Security and Defense Policy--Artemis--Operation Altea--CIMIC - Civilian Military Cooperation--CIMCO - Civilian Military Coordination--SHIRBRIG (Super High Readiness Brigade) proposed by Solana for the UN -- a global type of --CIMIC operation.--PfP - Partnership for Peace--Operation Proxima - Operates in former Yugoslavia--CMC - Crisis Management ConceptAnd these are the non-classified items! What about the thousands of formerly "transparent" documents that Solana subjected to secrecy starting in June 2000?
My CD-Rom informed its viewers of the CIMIC and SHIRBRIG operations.It seems that the European Union is not waiting for the Quartet for Peace in the Middle East to get its nose in both the Israeli-Palestinian Union tents. Last summer, Javier Solana bluntly toldIsrael's Ariel Sharon that "like it or not, the European Union is involved." Our very good friend 'SqueakBox' on several occasions erased that from the Wikipedia article on Solana, originally mostly written by yours truly and then butchered beyond recognition mostly by SqueakBox, although I had frustrations from a couple of would be editors from Herb Peters camp as well who started to hack that article, virtually inviting SqueakBox's disastrous intervention! SqueakBox honestly admitted he thought it might be a 'planted evidence', true as it was, to lead Christians and orthodox Jews to believe this might be at least an operating arm of the prophesied beast of Daniel and Revelation/Apocalypse. Well, see below as well as clicking on the link in the box contained above in the smaller headline. Also, please refer back to my last archived article and click on the reference link there. A very chatty member of Solana's staff, Michael Matthiessen delivers a speech to a German consulting conglomerate InWEnt. He tells of the EU's various police interventions in EU and NATO occupied countries -- going under names such as CIMIC, CIMCO, CIMCOP, etc., ad nauseum.
With the expanded and ever growing "Greater European Neighborhood," it appears the EU police state is expanding as well in this bizarre growing version of what Solana would have us think is a kind and friendly version, no more ominous than "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. For how long will the USA continue to maintain the fiction of "our European Allies" as this continues? How long until we invite these EU state police to help us extricate from our Iraqi mess as well. Interesting questions, interesting times, and as always, I invite your perspective and comments.
May 10, 2005

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Laugh until you cry!

Tongue in Cheek Reporting – More on Eric Jon Phelps and Crowd

IN MY NEW AND LOFTY POSITION AS ‘Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Constance Cumbey’

Well, folks, this is my second blogspot for the day, but as you will read below, this one could not be resisted! Laugh until you cry -- I have!

Well, one certainly needs a sense of humor to survive the antics of the Eric Jon Phelps and his Catholic/Zionist bashing branch of the New Age Movement. Periodically, I put my name in on to see what is being said and today I made a most interesting yield. It seems that I have a very high ranking position in the Jesuits, and/or maybe even Opus Dei itself! I am, per Eric Phelps and buddies, the “Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Constance Cumbey.”

Well, since I have been given that lofty title by Mr. Phelps and his friends who for the reasons shown below is obviously a high ranking Jesuit by the standards he has set forth, I have been thinking about changes I am going to make with all my new-found authority. Since “judgment begins at the House of the Lord,” I will start among my new order itself. Here are the immediate changes I will make starting with the Jesuits and moving on to the larger Roman Catholic Church:

1. Jesuit priest Mitch Pacwa is immediately discharged!! His disinformation book on the New Age Movement, Catholics and the New Age disrespectfully urges people NOT to read Constance Cumbey. Further in that book, he said another Jesuit, Teilhard de Chardin, a fellow-traveler with European Theosophists of his day, “saved his faith” by so loudly proclaiming cosmic evolution and about Matthew Fox, he wrote, “Is Matthew Fox a New Ager? That’s hard to say.” Since Matthew Fox and his Bear & Company have long been since a prominent part of the New Age Movement, that’s not hard for any honest person to say. Out goes Fr. Pacwa. And by the way, acting in my new authority as Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Constance Cumbey, I hereby proclaim that he may no longer appear on EWTN networks of Mother Angelica. We will not tolerate such disrespect here in THE ORDER!

2. Detroit area University of Detroit must IMMEDIATELY make some sweeping changes:

a. A professor of management, Michael Whitty, is hereby immediately stripped of all tenure and discharged. He has been a notoriously open New Ager since at least 1980! He was an enthusiastic participant when Detroit’s Unity Temple brought Benjamin Crème to Detroit to promote ‘Maitreya the Christ’ on November 4th, 1981 and remains active to this very day in the New Age Movement as well as with Matthew Fox, a now defrocked former Catholic priest who is today an Episcopalian priest. (But since the Jesuits created the New Age Movement, per Phelps, maybe he is an Episcopalian Jesuit priest, rather than the defrocked Dominican priest he purported to once be – maybe they are all Jesuits!)

b. The Jesuit priest Rev. John Saliba is hereby immediately discharged for his two-faced international activities on the New Age Movement – friendly to Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Constance Cumbey and critical of her in the British press where he obviously considers the New Age Movement a positive force for both the Church and humanity at large!

c. Cardinal Mahoney of Los Angeles, Bishop Gumbleton of Detroit, Fr. Thomas Berry, Fr. Thomas Keating, and Fr. Basil Pennington are hereby summarily discharged and excommunicated!

d. I immediately demand my fair share of the Vatican and Jesuit moneys – since they control the World Bank – I will accept my tithes of all moneys deposited therein!

e. Bro. Eric Jon Phelps is immediately discharged from the Jesuits. Since he admits he is published by a New Age Magazine, Spectrum Press, and now tells us that the New Age Movement is controlled by the Jesuits, he is obviously is a Jesuit himself. Therefore, in my new and important rank as Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Constance Cumbey, Eric Jon Phelps, you are immediately discharged from the JESUIT ORDER OF ST. IGNATIUS LOYOLA!

And, last, but not least, exercising my new found powers as TEMPORAL COADJUTOR CONSTANCE CUMBEY, I hereby summarily and immediately dissolve the New Age Movement in its entirety and discharge Javier Solana as Office of the High Representative of the European Union (he’s just another Jesuit, you know.).

Well, friends, sorry for the spoof, but it was either laugh or cry over the exorbitancy of the lies told by this bunch. I weep for those honestly buying into Eric Jon Phelps and his lies calling for a bloodbath of Catholics initially and everybody else eventually. I weep for those who will have honest discourse challenged as ‘hate speech’ because everybody is lumped in with this bunch.

Have a good – and a sobered up day!

May 11, 2005

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

The EU Secret Police Operations


Javier Solana has recently announced the the EU is sending police advisers to the Palestinian Union. It is not the first such operation for the European Union.

Javier Solana has a cabinet. He also has a large bureaucracy serving himself and his cabinet. He also has a very large budget. I reported 26 billion Euros on the Wikipedia article of which I was the primary author -- at least until SqueakBox did the butcher job. However, Chris Patten in a speech reported his External Affairs budget was something like 70 billion Euros. Since Javier Solana has long since succeeded to his and Patten's combined budgets, most likely it is somewhere far beyond the 70 billion euro figure for just the CFSP portion. When one counts, as does Solana, military resources as including those belonging individually to the about to be non-sovereign countries of the European Union, e.g, Great Britain's army, navy and airforce, Germany's police operations; France's army, navy, and airforce, etc., etc., and a continent full of potential recruits and or conscripts, one sees that Javier Solana has a potentially massive operation indeed.

Michael Matthiessen works for Javier Solana. Solana must not trust his aides to go by themselves to represent his interests. Fascinatingly, Matthiessen noted in his speech to InWEnt, a Germany think tank conglomerate, that although his boss was Javier Solana, he was "under the control" of others:

I am on the civilian side, I speak under the control of a colleague from the EU military staff being here, but I think we can say that we have worked very closely among the civilian and military actors. Not least in the case of Artemis, of course, the cooperation was very close with the Commission - and I'm speaking also on the control of a colleague from the Commission here - working with our colleagues dealing with humanitarian assist

These are some of the military operations of the European Union under Javier Solana that Mr. Matthiessen saw fit to discuss openly:

--ESDP - European Security and Defense Policy
--Operation Altea
--CIMIC - Civilian Military Cooperation
--CIMCO - Civilian Military Coordination
--SHIRBRIG (Super High Readiness Brigade) proposed by Solana for the UN -- a global type of --CIMIC operation.
--PfP - Partnership for Peace
--Operation Proxima - Operates in former Yugoslavia
--CMC - Crisis Management Concept

And these are the non-classified items! What about the thousands of formerly "transparent" documents that Solana subjected to secrecy starting in June 2000?

My CD-Rom informed its viewers of the CIMIC and SHIRBRIG operations.
It seems that the European Union is not waiting for the Quartet for Peace in the Middle East to get its nose in both the Israeli-Palestinian Union tents. Last summer, Javier Solana bluntly toldIsrael's Ariel Sharon that "like it or not, the European Union is involved." Our very good friend 'SqueakBox' on several occasions erased that from the Wikipedia article on Solana, originally mostly written by yours truly and then butchered beyond recognition mostly by SqueakBox, although I had frustrations from a couple of would be editors from Herb Peters camp as well who started to hack that article, virtually inviting SqueakBox's disastrous intervention! SqueakBox honestly admitted he thought it might be a 'planted evidence', true as it was, to lead Christians and orthodox Jews to believe this might be at least an operating arm of the prophesied beast of Daniel and Revelation/Apocalypse. Well, see below as well as clicking on the link in the box contained above in the smaller headline. Also, please refer back to my last archived article and click on the reference link there. A very chatty member of Solana's staff, Michael Matthiessen delivers a speech to a German consulting conglomerate InWEnt. He tells of the EU's various police interventions in EU and NATO occupied countries -- going under names such as CIMIC, CIMCO, CIMCOP, etc., ad nauseum.

With the expanded and ever growing "Greater European Neighborhood," it appears the EU police state is expanding as well in this bizarre growing version of what Solana would have us think is a kind and friendly version, no more ominous than "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. For how long will the USA continue to maintain the fiction of "our European Allies" as this continues? How long until we invite these EU state police to help us extricate from our Iraqi mess as well. Interesting questions, interesting times, and as always, I invite your perspective and comments.


May 10, 2005

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Herb says there are elephants in the room!


Folks, I've been occupied this weekend -- both with funerals, legal work, and research. I sneaked over to Herb Peter's website and found he's composed a compelling piece worthy of your reading. If you click on the headline above, you'll land there, or you can click on the link below. Be sure to click on all of Herb's "read all about it here" links.

Like I said many times before, I don't know if Javier's the man or not, or if we should look for another, but if he is, and the evidence is growing, it may be much later than any of us even dare think.

My research this weekend has concerned disturbing CIMIC, police state, EU policing operations all under Javier Solana and his cabinet underlings. I will be writing more about this later, but if you are curious and want to start your own research, here are a couple of dandy links.

I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was bitter-sweet. I said my final sad goodbyes to one of my very best friends, Liz Collins, who left this world after working closely and loyally with me since 1982 and her husband Bob after 50 years of marriage. She leaves her husband Robert, six children and many, many friends behind. She was a real trouper and I shall greatly miss her!

Friday, May 06, 2005



After I wrote the foregoing, I had the opportunity to read about still another powerful aspect of Javier Solana's powers. You may read about another apparent addition to Solana's cabinet here:

I discovered last night that I'm not the only person noticing the ominous and growing powers of Javier Solana. I'm not the only person concerned about SqueakBox's attempts to marginalize as 'fanatic' all who oppose SqueakBox's frantic attempts to delete each and every negative internet reference to Solana. Particularly note the COMMENTS under the following link:

I've had a busy week in court and an equally busy week monitoring all the postings to my board stirred up by my necessary comments on the Eric Jon Phelps book and its New Age publisher Spectrum Press. Last night I decided to do a search to see what our old 'friend' SqueakBox was up to. 'SqueakBox is a self-proclaimed Rastafarian believer in Haile Selassie as God. (I am told that Haile Selassie himself didn't believe that and begged those labelling such to repent from such untoward idolatry!) But SqueakBox has shown himself to be an even more apparent believer in the divinity of Javier Solana.

Those reading me or viewing my CD Rom PowerPoint Show presentation know I have never proclaimed Javier Solana is the beast. I do confess to saying that he could well be an educated guess. I guess the only person the evidence truly convinced is SqueakBox who then proceeded to remove the evidence because he thought (with the help of his New Zealand Wikipedia ally, "One Salient Oversight") that if that evidence were true, than he had to be the Christian 'beast' of Revelation. So, SqueakBox proceeded to eliminate all references to the Barcelona Conference (where Solana declared war on all religious fundamentalism, worldwide), to the ten nation Western European Union, to Solana's job being established in the Europa documents as "Section 666", and to Solana suggesting and receiving proposed near dictatorial powers over Europe for himself with "Recommendation 666," and last but not least references to Solana's long family history of anti-clericalism, his mother's affiliations with the Rajneesh/Osho cult, and Solana's taking hegemony over the Israeli-Palestine-Jordan neighborhood. SqueakBox proceeded to remove all of these and many others and then, inter alia, went on to publish a near libelous and inaccurate Wikipedia article on Yours Truly saying that she and Herb Peters were the originator of the "Solana is the Beast" theories. The truth is the only person who ever publicized it so extensively is 'Squeakbox' which to me either proves that:

1. SqueakBox is persuaded that Solana is THE BEAST and is using reverse psychology to publicize it while getting himself out of harm's way by suggesting it was somebody other than himself who gave the final word on Solana's presumed future and final future;

2. Maybe Solana is THE MAN and SqueakBox's groupie rantings prove that despite his meek and mild appearance that he has hypnotic powers over otherwise intelligent writers of stories about Honduran cathedrals.

I note with interest that the comments on "Discarded Lies" blogspot accuse SqueakBox of helping to diminish Wikipedia's reputation. That has been precisely my opinion -- SqueakBox's handling of serious evidence about Solana -- either trying to suppress it or counter it with slavishly sycophantic recitals about Solana's accomplishments as a little boy suggest to me that something is happening somewhere.

One "Discarded lies" commentator referred to Solana's power grabs as "a black hole". Another said in response to SqueakBox, "what if it turns out he isn't a good guy after all?"

Maybe we'd all better pay closer attention! I welcome everybody's comments -- including "One Salient Oversight" and yes, even dear old SqueakBox!

contact me

Sunday, May 01, 2005

The Occult and the Third Reich


Reading of Eric Jon Phelps and his advocacy of Bulwer-Lytton underground earth as well as the Hans Horbiger type fire and ice theories so popular in Hitler's Nazi regime, brought back memories of my earliest 1981 research on the New Age Movement. One of the most important books I read was THE OCCULT AND THE THIRD REICH by Jean Michel Angebert. That was the combined name of two French scholars. Their book was both translated and introduced by University of Tennessee Department Chairman, Lewis A. M. Sumberg.[i] I first read that book in 1981 as I was studying the New Age Movement and its more startling and obvious aims -- the installation of a new 'messiah' -- one who was neither Jesus nor Jewish.

New Age books, such as Alice Bailey's, intimated the Jews might get their own future separate national messiah, but he would not be the world messiah 'as the Jews had forever forfeited that privilege.' Here is the relevant quote from page 706 of Alice Bailey's THE RAYS AND THE INITIATIONS:

"It may interest you to know that the Christ has not yet decided what type of physical vehicle He will employ should He take physical form and work definitely upon the physical plane. He waits to see what nation or group of nations do the most work, and the most convincing work, in preparation for His reappearance. He will not, however, take a Jewish body as He did before, for the Jews have forfeited that privilege. The Messiah for Whom they wait will be one of Christ's senior disciples, but it will not be, as originally intended, the Christ. Symbolically, the Jews represent (from the point of view of the Hierarchy) that from which all Masters of the Wisdom and Lords of Compassion emerge: materialism, cruelty and a spiritual conservatism, so that today they live in Old Testament times and are [Page 706] under the domination of the separative, selfish, lower concrete mind. "

I noted in my book "HIDDEN DANGERS" that the New Age Movement featured both anti-Semitism and intense anti-Catholicism, in addition to being against true Christianity in just about any form. Reading the Phelps passages that I quoted in my Saturday post reminded me of important chapters I had read in the Jean-Michel Angebert book vis a vis Hitler's cosmogony. Moreover, there were important differences between Fascism and Nazism -- Nazism was much deeper and darker. Hitler envisioned a death struggle with Fascism once he had finished his other more preliminary battles.

That is part of what so intensely bothers me about the type of disinformation Phelps is shoveling out to the Protestant Christian community. The book has obvious absurdities: The Vatican controlling the English monarchy; Episcopalian Jesuits; the Jesuits killed Kennedy; the Jesuits killed John Kennedy, Jr., while simultaneously claiming that Teddy Kennedy is a Jesuit plant in the United States Senate. The Catholics have their faults to be sure, as do we all, but to make such unfounded and ludicrous accusations is sure to bring unfair labeling upon all believers!

With this type of literature so far going unchallenged in Evangelical circles makes me recoil to think I was accused of putting out ‘conspiracy theories’ for presenting the actual statements and plans of New Agers. The Phelps' book really is a conspiracy theory, in the most ugly and obscene sense of the word, and so many good people are buying into it, seeing only what they wanted to see, their filters bypassing the obvious occult sources and direction. When going to the SpectrumPress site to order it, why aren't people seeing the obvious long and intense list of New Age books -- why do they believe that Spectrum Press would be the only one to listen? Well, I will tell you right now that New Agers don't put out that type of stuff to win the world to Jesus! They do it to hasten the incineration of the world for Lucifer!

The Angebert thesis was that the two eternal enemies of occultism or “the gnosis” was (1) the Catholic Church “eternal enemy of the Gnosis, which it pursues relentlessly in all its forms, and (2) the Jewish Faith.

Knowing that and the oft-stated New Age position, stated perhaps most eloquently in Peter Lemesurier, that the game plan of the New Agers was to pit the target groups off against each other, I view just about anything too hateful about anybody with deep suspicion. Because of this, I decided The occult and the Third Reich required re-reading in view of the observations I have made over the nearly last quarter of a century. I will be updating the Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, and I just may make that available on this blogspot and Herb Peter’s website as well as seeking its republication in updated form.

I will be writing much more of this in forthcoming blogs; however, for now, I feel we must all be reminded how terribly, terribly serious all of this is. I quote from the dust jacket of the Jean-Michel Angebert work:

“He who has seen in National Socialism only a political movement, has seen nothing.” -- Adolf Hitler

“Some thirty years after this statement was made, the authors of The Occult and the Third Reich pronounced: “The time has come, once and for all, to call to account those who refuse to see in Nazism anything but a political system . . . Nazism is only the most recent outcropping of a militant neo-Paganism locked in a death struggle with its arch enemy, traditional Christianity, a struggle which will go on to the end of time.”

Whether we are now in end times, or merely another phase of the ancient battle with “our ancient foe who seeks to do us woe,” we must not be ignorant of the devices designed to take us to the dark side of that battle. I will be writing much more about this in the days to come.

Enjoy the balance of your weekend.

Constance E. Cumbey
May 1, 2005
[i] Angebert, Jean-Michel. The occult and the Third Reich. Translation of Hitler et la tradition cathare. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1974.